Flashback: Fatima.

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(covid doesn't exist, thanks -management.)

List of people mentioned:

Josh- Zac's Bestfriend at the time

Darron- Zac's homeboy

Tianna- Fatima's homegirl

Riya- Zac and Zions close cousin/Angel and Fatima's homegirl


Zac and Fatima met their freshman year of high school and were inseparable since. they did everything together so it wasn't surprising that they went to college at the same school as well. In their junior year of college, they ended up losing their virginity to each other which sparked their friendship with benefits. They both agreed that they didn't want to be in a relationship.

Fatima's POV.
April 20, 2020

"no no God no" I said looking at the results as the tears came down my face. This is the last thing i need right now.

"Ti? i heard the timer go off-" Angel said coming into my bathroom. I could tell she instantly knew after reading my face.

Angel looked at the stick displaying a bold Positive. I broke down and Angel caught me before i hit the floor.

"i can't do this" i said through my tears

"Ti, it's okay sweetness"

"n-no you don't understand. i can't have a fucking baby"

"okay look, how about we go to the doctor and go from there. We need to confirm it because it could be a false positive."


April 24, 2020

Today is my doctors appointment and i'm definitely dreading it. I'm just hoping and praying it was a false positive.

"Wilson?" The doctor called out. Me and Angel stood and followed the doctor to one of the rooms. She gave me a cup to pee in so i went in the bathroom and did my business. I gave it back to her and she left out of the room to test it. Angel comforted me while we waited and it made me even more grateful for her. 30 minutes later the doctor came back into the room.

"Miss Wilson, you are pregnant, congratulations" the doctor said with a smile. Hearing those three words made my stomach turn. This has to be the worst day of my life.

After a moment i looked up at her, "how soon can i get an abortion?" i asked the doctor and her smile dropped

"Ti, what?" Angel turned her face up

i put my hand up, "Angel please. how soon?"

"um i had a slot for 2pm just open"

"wait doc can you give us a moment please?" Angel said, she nodded and walked out closing the door behind her.

"what Angel?"

"an abortion?"

"yes! i'm not ready to have a child. i can't provide for it, im not cut out for it, and im about to graduate. that's a lot and i can't do this"

"there's other options, and what about Zac? he needs to know, and you know how bad he wants kids"

"what Zac doesn't know won't kill him"


"no Angel. this is my body. i don't care if you don't like it, but you can either be supportive or leave. either way im going through with it"

"i'm here, i wont let you go through this by yourself"

We waited for 2 o'clock to roll around and when it did, it was my turn. About a hour and 15 minutes later, Angel and I walked out of the doctors office and went back to our apartment.

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