Love No Limit.

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"Mm it's so pretty" Zac said watching it go in and out. He had her right leg in his hand holding it up. They'd been going for over 2 hours now, and Zac just wouldn't go down.

"Papi please, i can't take anymore" Fatima begged trying to push him out. Both of them had lost count of how many times they'd came after the 4th one.

"Move your hand mama"

"I- fuckk i'm gonna cum again." She grabbed a handful of the sheets and tried to move away from him.

"She's running? you've never been a runner" He slowed his strokes and kept her locked.

"Zaaccc, i can't"

"Yes you can, you're doing so good. (Damn we gotta fuck from the side more)"

Zac felt her squeeze on him, so he sped up. "Shit right there, i'm cumming"

"Let it go baby" Zac whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. She climaxed and began shaking causing Zac to cum right after. If she wasn't already pregnant, she would've been.

"You won, i'm done" Fatima said out of breath.

"I'm done too, that was the one." Zac breathes deeply and gets up out of the bed. A few moments later he came out of the bathroom with a warm towel. He wipes Fatima down then helps her up to use the toilet. Afterwards, they were back in the bed.

"Good night dadas baby girls, i love you sooo much" He kissed her stomach twice. He scooted closer to her and the got comfortable with Zac big spooning. "I love you" He kissed her neck.

"I love you too"

The next morning,

Zac kissed all over Fatima's face trying to wake her up. "Get up mama"

"Nooo, i'm tired."

"I know but you have to get up. I made you some breakfast"

"Fine, then i'm going back to sleep. You kept me up all night" She said as Zac helped her out of the bed.

"Why you capping? I was done, then you decided to wake me up at 3am touching me" They walked into the kitchen.

"That's because your daughters woke me up and i was bored"

He pulled her chair out and she sat down. "Well play with something else, not my dick"

"I like playing with it, it's fun." She smiled.

"Okay Fatima"

"This looks so yummy" She said looking at the smoothie bowl along with avocado toast, while also doing her happy dance.

Zac smiled, "You're so cute" He sat down.

"Cute? nigga bye"

45 Minutes later.

"Zac stop, you're gonna make me late" Fatima said trying to put on her clothes. Zac was behind her kissing all over her neck.

"No you smell good. You used that body wash you know i love, and i can't get enough of you"

"Sir, back up off me before i shank you"

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