New Addition.

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"Nah we just fucking with yall." Eric told him and him a Myra started laughing. Zac and Zion kept a straight face because they didn't think it was funny at all.

"Damn, lighten up." Eric said.

"At yall big age, yall too grown to be playing like that. That ain't no joke man. Ma! why you let him say that?" Zac said.

"Yall foul, I was about to cry." Zion told them.

"It was her idea anyways, I told her that was too far but she promise me something." Eric said smiling.

"That's nasty as hell, both of yall wrong. I'm going home." Zac stood up. "No hold on, we actually do have to tell yall something." Myra said and Zac sat back down.

"What is it?" Zion asked.

"Well i'm just going to rip the bandaid off, you both have a sister." Eric said. Zac and Zion stared at him with a puzzled look on their faces. "Did yall hear me?"

They both nodded. "So where did she come from? Is she the result of one of your cheating episodes?" Zac asked


"And Ma, you cool with all this?"

"Yes. We actually want both of you to meet her-"

"I ain't meeting none of his love child's. That's on him."

"I understand you're upset-

"Fuck that i'm furious. Not only do you cheat on my mama, but you wasn't careful enough to make sure no kids came out of it?"

"Princeton-" Eric started.

"No, that shit is weird. You a weird ass nigga." Zac stood up.

"Zac baby, I understand your frust-"

"No ma! He had a fucking kid on you." Before Zac could continue, Eric sent a punch to Zac's jaw which resulted in them having a full blown fight in the living room.

"Eric! You're going to kill him." Myra said trying to pull Eric off of Zac. Zion was stuck, staring into space. "I'm tired of his fucking mouth." Eric said still giving Zac lethal punches.



"Eric, are you okay?" Myra asked bringing Eric from his thoughts. "Yea," He cleared his throat. "Are you going to tell them?" She asked.

"My bad. Um, yall have a sister. And before yall say anything just think about it. It happened from one of my affairs and though i'm not proud of the affairs, I have a daughter and I would like yall to meet her. I'm not saying yall have to have a relationship, but at least meet her."

Zac and Zion looked at each other then back at their parents, "We want to meet her." They said simultaneously. Eric looked at them surprised, "Really?"

"Yea we-" They both started, Zac motioned for Zion to talk knowing they were thinking the same thing. "We both always wanted a sister. I mean we have Riya, but you know a sister sister not a sister cousin. Also, I think I can speak for the both of us when I say we can't judge you for the circumstance because it's life. But we're open to meeting her." Zion said and Zac nodded in agreement with everything he said.

"You agree Prince?" Eric asked. "Yea pops, what's her name?" Zac asked.

"Her name is Iyana and she's six years younger than you Prince."

"How come you ain't know about her?" Zion asked. "Her mother never told me she got pregnant. Her mother passed away a few years ago and she decided to look for her father. She found out about me through her older cousin who was one of my runners back in the day." Eric explained.

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