Lets Make Love

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5 Months Later

Over the past few months, Zac has continued going to therapy to better himself for his family. Fatima also has restarted her sessions because she felt that anyone could use it. Zac has started to move forward with building and opening the gym which should be done within the next six months. They twins are now one years old and have started walking and talking, their first words were dada of course. Now they've improved a lot in their speech and are ahead of most kids at their age.

Recently, Angel found out she was pregnant and is now three months. Riya and Tommy have been playing house. Riya's two sons love Tommy and Tommy adores them. No, Riya baby daddy isn't out of jail yet. Only lord knows if that man will ever get out of jail.

The elders have been doing the same thing they've been doing, enjoying retirement and loving on the grandkids.

Monday, April 7th
Wilson- Taylor Home

"Will you just get dressed? I want to take you and the girls somewhere" Zac said standing at the foot of the bed with both girls in his arms.

Fatima laying comfortably in the bed, "I said I didn't want to go anywhere today babe"

"I know but I promise it will be worth it. Can't you just let me do this? Please? Papi is asking nicely" He said poking his bottom lip out.

"Fine, but when we come home i'm going back to sleep" She pulled the cover back and got up. "Bullshit, I'm tapping that ass when we get home." Zac wiggled his eyebrows.

"No you aren't"

"On my fuckin soul, If Zac don't get none tonight, everybody gon feel Zachary Princeton Taylor's pain. I'm standing on that" He said walking out of the rooms. "Why is my man so sassy?" Fatima asked herself.

While Fatima got dressed, Zac got the girls ready since he was already dressed. After they were dressed, he put on some music on and they had a mini concert. He played the one song he dedicated to be the twins signature song.

It's not the diamonds
It's not the pearls
I'm that girl
It's just that
I'm that girl

It's not my man
It's not my stance
I'm that girl
It's just that I'm that girl

From the top of the morning I shine
Right through the blinds
Touching everything in my plain view And everything next to me gets lit up too

You see it, yeah
You see it when you look to me
I didn't want this power
I didn't want this power

Zac was singing, hyping the girls up that were just jumping up and down. In the bedroom, Fatima couldn't help but laugh. It's been a routine for the past two months and she loves it. Though Zac plays it damn near all day, she says it's his way of affirmation.

She came out of the room as the song ended and of course, "Yo, why you always gotta match us?" Zac asked seeing her outfit.

"First of all, I was matching you. Second of all, why you want me to be the only one not matching. Third of all, why do my kids have that on?" She said approaching them. Zac put them in a white t shirt, blue jeans, and timbs. In other words, they looked like some little boys. I need to give this man a son, she thought.

"What? They fly. They match daddy see" He jail posed and smiled.
"Cute, but you could've at least put a bow in their hair Zac. You know how I feel about bows."

"Then that means we all need bows"

"With what hair baldy? They need sandals on, not timbs"

"Babe, go get the bows. We gotta go." He started walking to the garage with the girls trailing behind him, "I ain't bald bro." He stopped walking and looked at the girls, "Is dada bald?"

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