Pick Up Your Feelings.

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Same day..3:21pm.

Fatima heard the front door chime indicating that Zac was home. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to prepare herself for this conversation.

"Hey baby" Zac said coming into the kitchen. He sat his lunch bag on the counter and made his way to her as she leaned against the island. He tried to kiss her but she gave him her cheek.

"What's that about?" He asked. "How was your day?" She asked dismissing his question.

"Oh" He blew out a breath, "The usual, same shit. I had a meeting with Jake after my clients, hell you know my schedule"

"I do know your schedule. Anything different on your schedule?"

"No baby. Why you talking like that? Usually when I come home you're excited to see me, what's up?"

"I don't know you tell me?"

"Are you sick?" He put the back of his hand on her forehead.

She moved his hand, "No im not sick, don't piss me off Zachary." She was growing frustrated.

He threw his hands up, "Okay what did I do?"

"So you say i know your schedule right?" He nodded. "So i'm just trying to figure out how your ex got into your schedule because i knew nothing about that" She crossed her arms shifting her weight to her left leg.


"Zachary do not play fucking dumb right now. I saw the texts messages, and Angel saw you with that bitch. You've been talking to her for months, the fuck were you doing with her?" She raised her voice slightly.

"Baby let-" He tried grabbing her waist but she pushed him back.

"Don't baby me. Zac you lied to me. All the shit you gave me for lying to you, now you're doing the same thing? You're a hypocrite, get the fuck out of my face!"

"Fatima, I didn't lie"

"Answer me this then, were you with your ex today?"

He sighed, "Yes, bu-

"No, it's yes or no. have you been texting her?"


"Did you tell your fiancé?"

"No, I-

"NO! You're full of fucking shit. I bet the baby is yours too huh? Just go be with that bitch since that's obviously where you want to be. Me and my kids will be alright" She took the ring off and threw it at his chest. "Get the fuck out of my house."

"You just gon throw my ring? Bet, i'll leave. The girls will be with me for the weekend, you can come get them on Monday. You'll regret this shit"

"The only thing I regret, is saying yes to your proposal when clearly you were living the double life."

"Fuck you" He spat.

"Fuck you too nigga get the fuck out"

"Gladly" Zac packed up as much as he could for himself and as he was leaving Fatima was glaring at him. He shook his head and went out of the door.

In the house, Fatima broke down. She tried not to go off, but the hours she spent alone, all the did was overthink and her mind got the best of her. Outside, Zac fought against all of his emotions. He wished she'd let him explain, but when she took the ring off, that did it for him. He was also upset with himself because he should have told her but he didn't think it'd be too much of a problem and now, he was back to square one.

Zac drove to his parents in silence, letting his thoughts consume him. When he'd got there, he sat in the driveway for about 20 minutes before going in.

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