Goin' Down.

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Yall might be happy but upset at the same time with this one idk.🤣 Enjoy pookie!


1 Month Later,
Thursday July 16

Over the last couple of weeks, Fatima and Julian's anniversary passed which Fatima was excited about for only one reason. Things with the two of them haven't changed, and Fatima still hasn't said anything to anybody. She also found out some news that surprised her, and as much as she was happy, she was upset too.

Zac has moved on. He was upset with Fatima for a minute but he wasn't going to sweat it. he learned not to hold onto something for long, so he let it go. He and Karla have been getting to know each other very well. they've been going on small dates since the both of them enjoy quality time. Today Zac planned on taking her on a date date. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like her because she is an amazing person. She's kind but also witty. She's nurturing, she took care of Zac when he got pretty sick one week. She's very wise, mature, and a woman of her word.

Currently, Zac was at home getting ready for their date when he got a call from Zion.

"Yurr" Zac said answering the phone and putting it on speaker

"what's up brody"

"nothing much i'm getting ready for my date"

"nigga got a date? who is it?"

"i been seeing this woman for the past month" He smiled thinking about her

"what? you deadass right now?"

"yes nigga. she's incredible bro"

"incredible? she got you using big words now?"

"shut up Alex, what you call me for?"

"i was seeing if you were still coming by tomorrow, Angel was trying to figure out what to cook and she told me to ask you. i don't know why"

"because she loves her brother in law, tell her to make that salmon, that shit buss the last time"

"aight bet nigga. what's this broads name?"

"she ain't no broad fuck nigga and i'm not telling you"

"why? you ain't even tell me you was seeing somebody"

"cause im not trynna jinx it"

"damn she got you wide open. you really like her?"

"yes i do actually"

"more than you liked Fatima?"

"why do you do that? you mad messy to be a nigga"

"you didn't answer my question"

"Alex, i can't compare the two of them. They are two different women. I love Fatima but this girl, she's a breath of fresh air."

"That's cute and all but you said you love Fatima. How can you love her and be dating another woman"

"Zi, i'm gon always love Fatima. She was my everything at one point. But there comes a point in time where you just have to let go. She's shown me on multiple occasions that she isn't capable of being in a relationship with me so im letting her go."

"that's very mature of you cause if that was Angel i would be crying and throwing up"

"cause you a simp ass nigga"

"you are too, it runs through Taylor veins. but i understand where you're coming from and i respect it. I hope this new girl is a good one cause you deserve it."

"i appreciate that. look bro im about to head out, ill see you tomorrow"

"bet be easy"

"likewise" He hung up.

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