Smart Moves?

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May 26th

"Kennedi Simone, bite me again and i'll bite yo ass back." Zac said. He was laying on the floor of their bedroom because he'd just got done working out. Kennedi decided to bother him and bit him on his head.

"That's what you get," Fatima said watching from the bed. She had Kamryn lying right up under her left arm, watching the TV.

"And you just watching? Come get your demon seed."

"Quit talking about my child. Get your stanky ass in the shower."

"Be quiet before my stanky ass jumps in that bed with you..Bro i'm about to be broke." He says looking at another withdrawal notification.

"Boy what are you talking about?"

"This damn gym opening and the wedding after that, my pockets burning."

"You act like you don't have enough money for three lifetimes."

"That's not the point, the point is these damn checks be too big."

"Okay Zac."

"Babe, when are we going to have another kid?"

"You were just talking about shit being expensive and now you want another kid. Didn't you just say yesterday you don't want anymore kids?"

"That's because Kamy took my food. I need a son baby. I love being a girl dad but damn, they sassy as hell with a sassy ass mom."

"I'm not having no kid until these two are at least three."

"Bullshit, you said we could have one after the wedding."

"Well you're gonna have to wait."

"I don't get nothing," Zac said getting up. "All my money goes down the drain," He picked Kennedi up and threw her into the bed with Fatima. "I pay all of the bills around here and I can't even get the son i've been asking for since I first tasted that pussy." He said pointing to Fatima.

"Prince throw my child again, i'll throw you off of a cliff. First, nobody told you to get me pregnant with two girls. It's your fault. Second, i'll come off of birth control after the wedding. Happy?"

"No, i'm not happy. I don't want you to come off of it because I want another child. I want you to come off because you want another child too."

"Okay so why are you arguing with me when I said I want to wait until the girls are, at most, three? By the time we get married, they're going to turn 2 anyways."

"I don't know, I'm baby deprived. The demon seed really hurt my feelings because I thought girls were supposed to be sweet."

"We're talking about a baby that has your blood and my blood. Nothing about her is supposed to be sweet. Both of our bloodlines are crazy. Kamy might be the only one that is sweet."

"This shit is ridiculous. I'm gonna go cry in the shower."

"Don't cry for too long, we have places to be Taylor."

"Don't say nothing to me, i'm upset soon to be Taylor." He stuck his tongue out and went into the bathroom.

"Daddy is dumb, but we love him anyways don't we?" She said to the girls.

After Zac showered and got dressed, he was on twin duty while Fatima got dressed, as usual. Today was memorial day so that meant a big ass barbecue at the Taylor residence. It's was also the chance for the rest of the family to meet Iyana.

"Pick ya outfit, i'm not picking today." Zac said to the girls, he had four pairs of outfits laid out. "Don't pick the same one so dada can tell yall apart. I don't know why mama likes yall matching. Whoever made that up needs to go under the jail cause how can you tell which kid is who?" He ranted.

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