Good Good.

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2 Years Later,
Wednesday June 3rd, 2026.

Over the past two years, Zac has been living life to the fullest. He's gone on 3 solo trips out of the country, and he found peace being by himself. He's been going to therapy regularly just as a way to keep up with his mental health and he enjoys it. His business, as expected, is thriving. Being a personal trainer is very exciting for him because he gets to connect with his clients and see their transformations which keeps him going.

Fatima on the other hand is..surviving. Her and Julian have been married for almost 2 years and things haven't been the best. Julian has a terrible temper so if Fatima so much as breathes wrong, he's all over her. Since getting married, he felt like he had ownership over her. As much as she wanted out, she didn't want to put her family in harms way. Julian's family was more powerful than she thought. Finally she got tired of it and called reinforcements.

Present day, 2:13pm

Fatima was at her cousins house across town talking when she looked at the time. She knew she had to make it home before Julian did since he usually got home by 4:30. When she pulled into the driveway 45 minutes later, she saw that Julian was home which is unlike him. Before walking in she took a breath.

Walking in, the air felt thick, she immediately knew it wasn't going to be good.

"hi babe" she said putting on her best smile, walking to the kitchen. Julian was sitting in the living room with an empty glass and bottle of whiskey. "you okay?" she asked

"shut up Fatima" he replied

"okay" She went into the fridge and took out some chicken, broccoli and potatoes. She then went into the cabinets grabbing pots and pans trying not to make too much noise.

"Why the fuck are you being so loud, chill out"

"are you okay?" She asked, stopping

"am i okay? my fucking parents just fucking died no i'm not okay"

Fatima was shocked to say the least, "oh damn what happened?" she went over to the couch and sat by him trying to comfort him.

"a fucking car accident"

She touched his shoulder, but he moved. "i'm sorry Ju"

"just leave me the fuck alone" He got up and grabbed his keys leaving out of the front door. Fatima sat in shock. She still went to make dinner in case he came back, she knew he always wanted some food.

Atlanta, 7:23pm

I hate that we didn't make it to forever
probably ain't getting back together
but that don't mean that i can't wish you better
we ain't good good, but we still good

i realize that i can't be your lover
let's just keep it honest with each other
i'll be happy for you when you find another
we ain't good good, but we still good

As his playlist boomed through the speakers installed in his ceiling, Zac was cleaning up his kitchen. He always cleaned before and after he started cooking.

"and your family love me like i'm family, you know where you stand with me-" he was cut off feeling his apple watch vibrating. He looked down at it and saw his mom's name, "alexa..pause" He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and answered.

"what up ma?"

"you need to get on the jet right now. your dad is in the hospital"

he felt his heart drop to his ass, "what?!"

"get on the jet Princeton, hurry up"

"i'm coming ma" he hung up and went into his room. While packing a bag he called his Pilot and crew and told them to be ready in a hour tops. After getting a backpack together, he locked up his house, got in his car, and sped to the airport. It took no time for the crew to get set up and they were in the sky quickly.

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