Family Affair.

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*i honestly don't feel like going through the whole investigation thing so we're just gonna move on.

2 Months Later

After Fatima got out of the hospital, she temporarily moved in with Madea until she found a place, which she did recently. The investigation ended, ruling it self defense. Officer Tanner tried and tried to get a murder charge but Andrea works hard for her clients.

Fatima is now 3 months pregnant and if she's not working, she's at home sleeping or eating. She also is in therapy for many different reasons and she did get all of Julian's assests. She put most of the money towards the baby and she opened up a trust fund as well.

Zac has been living the same. He is still with Karla and they couldn't be happier. Zac felt that he was in a mature relationship which, looking back, he never really had. They hardly argue, they've only had maybe 2 disagreements but they quickly found a solution.

When it comes to Zac and Fatima, they talk almost every other day. Zac makes it his mission to check on her and the baby almost every other day when they're not at appointments. Zac also purposely kept the women in his life separate because he knows they both have 'don't give a fuck' attitudes and he doesn't want them problems.

Monday , September 7

Today, The Taylor's were having a barbecue for Labor Day and they invited damn near their entire family. They were known for throwing the biggest parties and kickbacks so it's only right. This was also the day where Zac was bringing Karla to meet the family.

Zac's house, 11:23am

"babe, come here please" Karla said from Zac's bathroom, he was sitting on his bed going through his appointments for the week. He got up and joined her in the bathroom.

"what's up baby"

"do you think my hair looks good?" She asked, she had her hair down with some loose curls.

"yes it looks beautiful"

"okay what about my outfit? you think it's appropriate?" She wore some light washed jean shorts and a white tank top, with her air force ones. Paired with a small black purse and her silver jewelry.

"yes, it's hot as hell outside this is perfect. it doesn't matter what you wear, they gon love you anyways"

"how do you know that, you said they didn't like you're last girlfriend"

"trust me on this one"

"fine. now can you get dressed?"

"i am dressed"

"like that?" she asked turning her face up

"yea, what's wrong with what i have on?" Zac asked. He had on a black t shirt and black pants, with his space jam jordan's.

"absolutely not. we gotta change that"

"what wrong with my fit? is basic"

"Zac, you're wearing all black and it's hot as fish grease outside. then you like to complain about it being hot, no. got put on some shorts at least"

Zac smacks his lips, "man whatever, i wanted to wear pants."

"if you want to wear pants put on some light colored ones"

"you must want me to match you"

"i don't, i just know how you get"

"damn you don't want to match with me? that hurt"

"boy bye, go shoo"

"nah you look good, you want to get a quickie in?" He pressed his erection on her ass

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