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"What's up?" He said once she opened the door. "Hey, come in" She said smiling. Zac walked in and she closed the door behind him. She ran her hand from his shoulder down to his hand taking it into hers and began walked towards the bedroom with him in tow.

Once in the room, he didnt hesitate to gently push her down on the bed. She immediately took her lace panties off. "Spread 'em" He demanded dropping his pants and underwear, his manhood standing at attention. "On all fours" He told her and she followed suit. He stepped to the bed while stroking himself. He coated the tip with the cream that was already spilling out of her before sliding in slowly. "Shit!" She cursed.

"You better not cum until I tell you to got it?" His pelvis made contact with her ass as he filled her up. "Uh yes" She moaned. His hands wrapped around her waist, he pulled halfway out and began to find his rhythm. "Keep that arch," He pushed her back down making her arch deeper as he picked up his pace.

"Fuck it's too deep" She reached back trying to slow him down. "Move ya fuckin hand" he groaned. When she didn't, he pinned it on her back slowing his strokes. "I can't- fuck" She bit the sheets. "Shit- I feel you squeezing me, you better hold that shit" He slammed into her.

"I- please i'm cumming." He pulled out delaying her climax. "Put it back in" She begged. "Get up and ride me" He told her. She stood up letting him lay in the middle of the bed on his back. She climbed on top of him facing away from him. She lined him up and slid down gracefully making both of them moan.

She grabbed ahold of his legs to brace herself and bounced up and down on him. "Shit it feels so..ah" She said throwing her head back. "Damn ya pussy mad tight" He slapped her ass. "Im gonn-"

"I feel it, cum on my dick" He bit his lip feelings his climax rising. He put both hands on her waist as he started to match her rhythm. "I'm- FUCKK" She yelled, shaking, as her orgasm reached its peak.

"Don't stop now, take it, you got it" He encouraged her as she tried to come down from her high. He decided to flip them over into a missionary position. He quickly put himself back inside of her rolling his hips hitting deep inside her. "Creamy ass shit about to make me nut" He growled. He leaned down and kissed her lips muffling her moans. She wrapped her arms around his back, scratching it with her short set. "You gonna cum with me?" Zac whispered in her ear and kissed on her neck.

"Yes. Ahh fu- I want it all inside me" She replied. He continued thrusting in and out of her. "Ah shit, I'm fuckin...cum" He said through his gritted teeth. "Oh my- i'm cumming again" She semi yelled. He slowed as his dick twitched and his sperm shot inside her, "God- Fuck!!" he moaned.

They'd fucked for another two hours before he showered and put his clothes back on. He came out of the bathroom to her wrapped in the sheets, "I'll be back on Saturday" He told her grabbing his keys off of her dresser.

"Why can't you stay?"She asked

"I just can't"


"I gotta go pick up my kids Karla chill. I'll be back saturday night"



Zac pulled up to Fatima's house and knocked on the door. A moment later she opened it and right when he was about to step in, she stopped him.



"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"What Fatima?"

"Why is there a hickey on your neck"

He rolled his eyes, "Can I come in and get my kids or no?"

"Zac please do not tell me-

"What? We're broken up right? Why does it fucking matter?!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? You really doing this to me?? So i guess i was right, you are cheating on me"

"I tried Fatima, but you turned me down. I needed my to get my dick wet so here we are. You did this to yourself" He nonchalantly told her.

She began crying, "Zac, how could you do this to me? To us, to our family! You have two daughters!!"

"WE ARENT A FUCKING FAMILY. YOU PUT ME OUT REMEMBER?!" She stared at him before her hand went across his face.

"Don't put your hands on me again Fatima i'm not fucking playing" He said pointing a finger in her face. She smacked his hand out of her face and punched him in his jaw.

Before either of them knew it, he backhanded her across her face. "See what you made me do? Move the fuck out the way" He pushed his way into the house leaving Fatima holding her now red cheek as her tears flowed.


Ain't it April first?! 😂


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