More Life.

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*I semi proofread..bye.

January 15th

"Fatima," Zac said with his eyes still closed. They were in bed sleeping, well not anymore. Fatima had woken out of her sleep for absolutely no reason, and when she felt something poking her behind, she was turned on. She'd taken Zac's dick out of his boxers and slid her underwear to the side, lining him up.

"What?" Fatima asked acting clueless. "Seriously?" He said. "I don't know what you're talking about." She told him. His left hand that was going over her torso made its way up to her neck as he moved his hips forward, entering her.

"Shit," Fatima whispered. "Damn," Zac cursed. "You about to be running from me in a minute, I don't know why you like starting with me." He said. There wasn't any going slow, Fatima woke him up out of his sleep so he was determined to put her ass to sleep.

Zac's pelvis made contact with Fatima's ass repeatedly, creating an echoing slapping noise throughout the atmosphere. "This what you wanted?" Zac whispered into her ear. "Y-yes. God!" Fatima let out. Her left hand reached back, touching his abs. He was hitting her spot head on and she wasn't going to last another second. "Move that hand, I don't care if you're about to cum." Zac said.

She moved her hand up to his arm where his hand was around her neck, "I'm cumming!" She yelled. Zac's hand went down to her clit going in circular motions as her climax took over causing her to shake intensely. Her breath caught in her throat, Zac didn't give her any time to recover, he went back to work. "I love you."


"Nope. Tell me you love me." He slowed down so she could make out her words. "I love you papi. I'm cu- again fuck!" Her squirting pushed him out of her. He got up, laying her on her back so they were now in a missionary position. He carelessly ripped her panties off. Lining himself up, he slid back in.

"Gahdamn. I need two more from you baby." He slowly moved in and out of her. Fatima couldn't even make any sounds. Her mouth was opened, with her eyes rolling to the back of her head. "Ya pussy!" He pounded with his words. Fatima gasped, "It's too deep Zac." She said breathlessly. "Wait, wait, please baby." Fatima said scooting away from him.

He pulled her back towards him, "Hell nah, take it." He threw his head back, feeling like he was in paradise. His addiction to her grew every day, there wasn't anything that could make him come off of her. She, the same. Nobody ever loved her more than Zachary Taylor and there damn sure wasn't anybody who she loved more than him. Plus, the sex was always mind blowing since the first time.

Zac, slowing his strokes, "You're so beautiful mama." They'd locked eyes. Zac smiled and bit his bottom lip. Fatima shook her head with a pleading look on her face. "Just give me one more and papi is done."

Zac gripped her waist displaying no mercy as he fucked her harder. Fatima felt her orgasm making its way through her body, her back arching up. She looked away from Zac, but he brought her eyes back to him, "I need them pretty eyes on me when we cum together," He told her. Fatima purposely squeezed on him as his continued going in on her. He went down making their chests meet, kissing Fatima's lips and catching her moans. Fatima's arms wrapped around his back, her freshly manicured nails scratching at him.

"Baby im..almost-" Fatima could hardly get out. "I'm right there." He whispered in her ear and his lips found her spot on her neck. "Fuck! Zaccc" Fatima's orgasm triggered Zac's and they came together.

Zac stayed on top and inside of her for a moment, catching his breath before getting up. He went into the bathroom and ran some bath water. When it was full, he went back into the bedroom waking Fatima who had fallen asleep. "Mama, you gotta get up." Zac said kissing her temple.

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