Chapter 1

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Liv and Pierson were hanging out at Livs place
L- hey you made it
P- hey live
*they hug*
L- so how are you I feel like I haven't hung out with in months
P- *giggles* it's only been a week but I'm doing good how are you
L- *laughs* I know and I'm doing really good
*two hours later*
L- oh shoot I gotta go meet my friend group it's already 1:30 I'm so late
P- I should head home now
L- you should meet my friends they're really nice
P- you know that i don't like talking to people
L- come onnn please
P- fine i'll go
L- yay okay we gotta go cause i'm late
P- okay let's go
*skipping to when they get to Brent's house*
L- hey guys
An- you're so late Brent is so mad
B- who are you?
L- that's my best friend Pierson
P- hi
L- Pierson that's Ben and Andrew
LR- Liv you're finally here these guys are so annoying- who is she
L- this is Pierson
P- hey
LR- well hi Pierson i'm lexi Brent's little sister it's nice to meet you're so pretty
P- thank you and you're so pretty too
J- Liv what took you so long to get here
L- it's none of your business Jeremy
J- yea yea who's the new girl
P- I'm pierson
J- Heyy I'm Jeremy
D- I'm dom
P- hi dom
L- where's Brent?
Br- Liv why are you two hours late
L- I'm so sorry I loads track of time i was out with a friend
Br- what a lame excuse
L- it's not i brought her here too
Br- oh really
L- yes this is Pierson
Br- o-oh hi pierson
P- hey
Br- i'm Brent
LR- okay guys enough arguing let's just make our TikTok's and film so we can just chill okay!
All but LR and P- okayy
L- Pierson we should make a TikTok with Lexi
LR- i'm down
P- oh sure what TikTok is it
L- this one *she passes her phone to Pierson*
P- we can do that
*they make the TikTok*
LR- Liv we should convince Brent to let Pierson join the group shes really pretty and nice and it would be fun to have another girl in our group
L- omggg yess but there's a chance pierson will decline since she doesn't get out much but I would love to have her in this group
LR- we should ask her
L- yess
LR- hey pierson!!
P- yes
L- how would you feel if you joined our group
P- I don't know liv you know i don't get out much
LR- come onnn it would be so fun to have another girl in our group plus I can see the three of us as an amazing little trio
P- fine
LR- yay we gotta go talk to Brent about this
L- we'll be back pierson we're going to talk to Brent about this
P- okay
*with Brent*
LR- Brent
Br- yes?
LR- have i ever told you that you're an amazing brother
Br- no?
LR- well you are an amazing brother
Br- what do you want
L- we were wondering if pierson could join our group
Br- another member we already have so many
LR- please Brent
L- Brent i saw the way you looked at her
Br- *turns red*
LR- do you like her
Br- I don't know what you're talking about
L- please brent we need another girl
Br- fine but she has to be here every day at 12:30
LR- we know we'll tell her
*back with Pierson*
P- you guys convinced him?
LR- yesss
*brent comes downstairs*
Br- what's with you two screaming
An- they were talking about a new member of the group
J- yea who's the new member
Br- pierson
D- you definitely like her to let her join
Br- no they convinced me
*skipping to later on when everyone is chilling*
*Lexi, Liv, and Pierson were in the kitchen talking, Liv said something funny which made pierson giggle*
Br- *admiring pierson*
An- oh you so have a crush on her
Br- n-no i don't
B- you can't even lie
J- we see you staring at her
D- you should get to know her
Br- we're just going to be friends
An-  you never know maybe you two will be soulmates
I think this chapter kinda sucks but i mean I haven't made a book in so long so yeaa

Word count: 768

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