Chapter 2

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*im just gonna skip to the next day btw pierson go everyone's number*
Piersons POV:
I woke up and realized it's 10:30 I'm supposed to be at that Brent guys house at 12:30 i take forever to get ready I'm scared of being late cause he yelled at Liv the other day what if he yells at ME oh god I'm overthinking i should just get ready
End of pov
*skipping to 12:30 and pierson is late*
Br- hey Liv where's your friend she's late
L- i have no clue i hope she comes tho
LR- you're not going to yell at her for being late right brent?
Br- I'm debating it since she's new but she shouldn't be la-
*just then Pierson came in*
P- I'm so so so sorry i'm late I woke up so late
Br- hey it's okay don't worry about it
P- you sure
Br- yea ofc you're only five minutes late
L- *whispers to lexi* oh he totally likes her
LR- *whispers back* oh he so does
*Lexi and Liv start giggling*
D- what's so funny about
LR- don't worry about it
L- yea and also where's Ben?
*ben came in and it's now 12:40*
B- hey sorry I'm late
Br- Ben you're 10 minutes late dude you know you're supposed to be here at 12:30!
LR- Brent you can't yell at Ben you didn't yell at Pierson for being late
Br- well she's new so she gets to slide on it
L- but she knew to be here at 12:30
P- I'm gonna have to side with Lexi and Liv i was late and you didn't yell at me but you yell at Ben
Br- alright alright I'll let it slide Ben
B- literally thank you so much pierson he usually gets mad when we're late but he's in no rush
P- it's no problem Ben he shouldn't have yelled at you
An- hey Lexi
LR- yes?
An- so you think pierson would fit in this group
LR- why wouldn't she
An- ture i mean she's actually pretty cool and she stood up for Ben
L- what are these lovebirds talking about
LR+An- for the last time were not dating
P- where's the bathroom?
LR- Ben's in the one across the hall so just go upstairs and the bathroom is on the left
P- okay thanks
*pierson goes to the upstairs and bumps into Brent*
Br- what are you doing up here?
P- oh sorry Ben is in the bathroom downstairs and Lexi told me to use the one up here i can go back dow-
Br- oh no if you have to go the bathroom go for it i was just wondering why you came up
P- yea and also you shouldn't yell at them for being late yk
Br- they know that they have to be here at-
P- 12:30 i know but cut them some slack it's okay to be late
Br- i guess
P- anyways why are you never downstairs
Br- oh umm
P- you can tell me what's going on
Br- we just met
P- so? we just met and i feel like i can trust you
Br- fine I'm never in the mood anymore to socialize with them don't get me wrong I love everyone in the group it's just tiring i guess
P- I get it I don't socialize with anyone
Br- why not you're really pretty and you seem like a really fun person
P- *blushes slightly* I don't know I just like being alone but I'm definitely not pretty
Br- don't say that you're beautiful
P- *blushes more* you think so
Br- yea..
P- thank you anyways I'm gonna go to the bathroom
Br- oh yeah sorry
P- it's fine sweetie
Brents POV:
She called me sweetie I never knew I blush so much over a pet name and oh my gosh she's so beautiful and cute I can't get her off my mind but I can't be falling for her we just met
End of pov
Pierson POV
He thinks I'm beautiful.. I never knew I could blush this much I look like a tomato but he's kinda cute
End of POV
*pierson comes back down*
L- hey what took so long
P- sorry I was just fixing my hair
LR- we're watching a movie come sit
P- oh okay
L- here you can sit-
Br- you can sit by me
P- sure *goes and sits by Brent*
B- now we can start the movie
LR- *whispers to L* he's making a move
L- *whispers back* did you not see her blushing
LR+L- awww
An- Lexi shhh
D- the both of them need to shut up
B- yea we're trying to watch the movie
Br- exactly
P- why did you two say 'awww'
LR- something
L- don't worry about Pierson
*skipping to after the movie and everyone had left besides pierson cause she stayed back to help clean*
Br- you know you didn't need to stay and help
P- no no it's okay I also made a sort of mess so I'd rather stay and help clean
Br- this is the only time you're helping after that you can't ever help
P- but why not
Br- because it's my job to clean up after these people
P- I think you're just putting more work on yourself *giggles*
Br- yea yea
*skipping to after the cleaning*
P- okay well I should get going bye brent
Br- bye-
P- *pecks him on his cheek* see you tomorrow
Hey guys this is the second chapter on this book lmk if you guys have any ideas for further chapters cause I would love to hear them!!
Word count: 961

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