Chapter 53

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*skipping to the next day*
P- ooo todays the party
LR- yay I can't wait
Br- I'm a bit scared
L- why?
P- he hasn't met my parents
L- oooo he'll be fine your parents are amazing
Br- okay there's a difference liv
An- real a very big difference
Br- yea like you're her best friend so they're obviously gonna like you but I'm dating their daughter and I've just asked her to marry me and were engaged
L- I guess
D- shouldn't we start getting decorations up for this party
An- is there gonna be alcohol
Br- uhmmm I don't know
LR+L- YES!!!
Br- okay weirdos
*skipping to the party*
P- my parents are here oh and Logan
Br- oh gosh I'm not ready
P- at least Logan likes you
L- omg Logan likes him
P- yea-
PM- (piersons mom) hey pierson
P- hi mom
PD- (piersons dad) hey pierson so why are we at this party
P- oh uhm I'll be back
*pierson goes and grabs brent*
P- okay I'm back so I've been keeping something from you guys and I know that it was wrong of me but it kinda just slipped my mind but uhmm this is Brent... my fiancé...
P- well we've been dating for a year and he proposed two days ago
PM- omg that's amazing pierson is he a good guy does he make you happy
P- yes mom he's an amazing guy and he makes me really happy
PD- why would you hide this from us
P- I'm sorry it just slipped my mind
PD- I don't approve of this
P- what dad-
PD- no either you break up or i won't show up to your wedding
P- *tears up* dad you can't do this I love him
PD- I don't care you shouldn't have hid this from us
PM- that's rude of you to say just because she didn't tell us doesn't mean she doesn't get to be happy
PD- I don't care
P- I thought you'd be supportive of this dad..
*as pierson says that she runs up to Brent's room*
Br- uhmm how about you guys enjoy the party I'm gonna go check up on her
PM- no it's okay I'll check-
Br- no seriously it's fine you guys are guests enjoy the party
*brent goes upstairs*
PM- I can't believe you
PD- what
PM- she's finally happy and you're trying to take it away from her
L- real dad she's happy and I've met brent he's a good guy for her she's more happy she's happier then I've ever seen her be
PD- fine I'll give this guy a chance
Br- hey pier it's okay
P- no it's not he's my dad and wants us to break up
Br- hey I know but you know we'd never break up
P- I know but why isn't he supporting me
Br- it may take him a while it's okay *hugs her*
P- I know
Br- now let's get back to the party
P- oh yea let's go
*they go down*
PD- I'm sorry pierson I was just upset
P- it's okay dad it's my fault
PD- I hope you can forgive me
P- of course I can forgive you dad-
Br- my parents just got here
LR- mom and dad are here?
Br- and Blake and Brice
LR- oh great
BM- hey guys congrats on the engagement me
Br+P- thank you
BD- pierson it's nice to see you again congratulations
P- hi and thank you
Bl- brent finally stepped up
Bri- took him long enough
*skipping to later pierson gets super drunk*
L- brent we have a little problem
Br- did we run out of food?
LR- not exactly uhm pierson is just a tad drunk
Br- oh that's not bad-
L- she's not a tad drunk she's like super drunk and she's kinda saying some stuff that shouldn't be said like yk stuff about you
Br- oh god
*brent goes to the living room*
P- omg brent was-
Br- *covers her mouth* let's just keep that closed for a while
An- she was saying some wild stuff
Br- thank the lord all the parents left
Bl- we didn't
Br- well no duh but mom and dad left early cause it's "getting late" and piersons parents and brother left cause it was also getting "late"
L- so you guys did the nasty in a movie theater
P- *takes Brent's hand out her mouth* he was amazing-
All but Br and P- EWWWWW
Br- Pierson!!
P- what I'm just saying
Br- no one was supposed to know
P- oops anyways brent is such a sofite he's like so nice and when we're alone he's like a little kid wanting his mom
An- yoooo
Br- pierson!!!
Hey guys hope you like this part of my story if you have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know and thank you to Brierson1212 and Brierson_Stories for both these ideas for this chapter!!!

Word count: 845

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