Chapter 39

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*skipping to the next day cause why not lol*
L- so how was your date
P- it was good
Br- you had fun right
P- oh yea I had so much fun brent has to start taking me on more dates I swear
Br- I'll try
D- omg yesterday was something
P- what happened on the beach
J- do you really wanna know
B- i mean they should know
Br- what happened
L- well for starters Lexi and Andrew were being all over each other
P- oooo
Br- how'd that happen
B- lexi started it
P- did she now
LR- omg shut up you guys
An- I sound like a wimp now
P- what happened
L- well lexi just went for it and kissed Andrew
P- awww
B- and then Hannah wished you two were there to see the shock on our faces
P- I mean I would wanna see this
Br- same
LR- omg can we just forget about it
P- brent can we go upstairs for a second
All but Br and P- oooo
P- ew not like that get your minds out the gutter
Br- sure we can go upstairs
*they go upstairs*
Br- so what's up
P- can we do this TikTok *shows him the tiktok*
Br- sure but why don't you wanna do it downstairs
P- cause it's awkward
Br- oh okay
*the TikTok is the "stay with me" trend if you haven't seen it go see it lol*
P- okay you ready
Br- for what you're kissing me all over my face you've done this before
P- oh yea
*pierson kisses brent all over his face or wtv and they make the TikTok*
Br- was it good
P- it looks cute
Br- that's good
P- now I can wipe the lipstick off
*they clean their faces or wtv and go back downstairs btw they posted the TikTok*
P- we're back
LR- *shows pierson her phone* you two are so cute
P- omg you saw it
LR- duh you posted it
Br- pierson you posted it
P- oops I gotta delete it before anyone else's see it
LR- I kinda already saved it
P- ooo send it to me cause I have to delete it
L- but why
P- we don't want our relationship on the internet yet
Br- yea
B- but it's been seven months almost eight
Br- remember Eva
P- who's Eva
Br- my ex
J- yea why wouldn't we remember her
Br- how did me and her break up
D- cause you guys would post on the internet about your relationship
Br- and what did the internet do
B+An- make you two break up
P- see I don't want that to happen
Br- same
L- it was a cute TikTok tho
P- yea it was
*skipping to later*
LR- I'm so bored
P- sameee
L- I wanna go to a party
An- why
P- cause why not parties are fun
LR- real and it's nice to meet new people
An- to flirt with
P+L- Andrew!
An- what
P- that's not how you get a girlfriend
An- but she-
LR- I don't flirt with other people I'm not brent
Br- heyyy what did I do
P- don't worry about it
Br- why is Lexi getting compared to me
LR- exactly what I'm saying I'm not a cheater nor a flirt or a player
Br- heyyy I'm not none of those
P- you were tho
Br- can we just forget about it
L- I don't think we ever will
J- real you were a terrible boyfriend before pierson
D- yea but you changed for Pierson
B- it's cause he-
Br- okay can we not talk about how I used to be please
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story also thank you loveyyyybrierson For the idea of making brent and Pierson do the "stay with me" trend!!! if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for later chapters let me know!!!

Word count: 670

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