Chapter 16

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*skipping to the next day btw Pierson left early in the morning to get ready*
LR- when is pierson getting here
Br- I have no clue maybe she's out
L- she lives two minutes away and is still always late
*just as they were saying that pierson walks in*
P- hey guys sorry I'm late I was getting ready
LR- took you long enough
L- exactly you live two minutes away and you're still late
P- I'm sorry okay I woke up late and stuff
Br- hey pierson
P- hey brent
Br- you look beautiful today
P- *blushes* thank you
L+LR- uhmm... what was that?
P- what?
Br- what did we do?
L- you just called her beautiful
P- so? what's the deal?
Br- you're so delusional
L- *laughs*
LR- yea yea anyways we should get back to the boys
Br- oh yea
*they go back to the living room where the guys were*
P- hey guys
An- what took you so long to get here?
P- I woke up late
B- really?
P- yes-
D- oh? uhmm brierson is a thing?
J- are they?
P+Br- NO
L- jeez anyways what are we doing?
LR- nothing much were caught up with filming and stuff
P- so it's a free day
Br- guess so
L- we should watch a movie
All but L- okay!!
*they get snacks and go to the living room*
Br- okay so what are we watching
P- *goes to sit next to brent*
L- pierson why did you move?
P- cause I wanted to
LR- uhmm okay
An- we should watch a scary movie
P- no way
LR- yea Andrew no way we're watching scary movies
J- stop being babies
D- real
Br- okay let's just pick a movie we all can enjoy
B- fine
*after a while they finally found a movie to watch*
P- *cuddles with brent*
Br- you okay
P- yea just comfy
L- uhm..
LR- are we third wheeling
B- I think we are
P- shut up I can't hear the movie
D- why aren't you telling brent to shut up he's talking too
Br- I only said one sentence
*as they were watching the movie brent and Pierson go to get more snacks*
P- hey brent
Br- yea?
P- I don't think our hints are even hints we always do this type of stuff
Br- I have an idea follow me
P- okay..?
*they go up to Brent's room*
P- what are we doing here?
Br- well
P- what?
Br- does your lipstick stain
P- yea why?
Br- I think you know where I'm going with this
P- oh brent do you just want a kiss
Br- *blushes* whattt you said you wanted to give them hints
P- yea yea true
Br- sooooo
P- soooo what
Br- we're dropping this idea cause I do have another idea
P- what is that?
Br- matching hickey's
P- *giggles* brent there's no way I'm letting you give me a hickey
Br- so we're going with the first idea
P- fine
*pierson starts to kiss brent all over his face*
Br- omg there's so many lipstick stains
P- *giggles* you told me to kiss you soooo
Br- you're missing a spot
P- where?
Br- on my lips
P- haha very funny-
Br- *kisses her*
P- *kisses him back*
*after a while they let go*
Br- *smiles* what
P- you're so stupid
Br- no I'm not
P- whatever let's just go back down there
Br- okay
*they go back down*
Br- hey guys we got the snacks
P- sorry it took long
L- brent what's all over your face?
Br- nothing
LR- who kissed you?
An- it was definitely pierson
P- why are we blaming me right away
L- cause you loveeeee brent
P- not true
Br- so mean
P- I'm sorry my love *kisses him*
All but br and p- AHHHHHHHHH
Hey guys I'm just gonna leave you all with a tiny cliffhanger lol but I hope you like this story I'll try to update later on tonight or tomorrow since it's the weekend but hope you like this part!!!

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