chapter 37

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*skipping to the next day*
LR- Brent where's Pierson
Br- upstairs why?
L- well we didn't see her when you opened the door
Br- well she's upstairs if you guys wanna go see her
*the girls go upstairs*
L- piersonnnn
P- yea?
LR- what are you doing up here
P- do you think my outfit is cute
L+LR- yesss
L- but it's a bit revealing
P- I'm pranking brent
LR- ohhh well it looks cute
P- okay now I just have to go downstairs
*they go downstairs*
P- hey guys
The boys but Br- GO CHANGE
P- what's wrong with my outfit
Br- pierson go change
P- but-
LR- it's cute
Br- who bought you this
P- you did
Br- when?
P- idk couple months ago
Br- go change
L- why-
Br- shut up liv
P- but-
Br- pier
P- no
Br- omg
*brent takes pierson upstairs*
P- brent-
Br- change
P- fine only cause I wanted to prank you and it's cold
Br- see was that so hard
P- yea yea
*pierson changes*
P- okay can we go back downstairs now I changed
Br- yes and you look beautiful
P- yea yea let's go
*they go back down*
An- so did you two have fun
P- no he made me change you weirdo
J- wait you and Brent never have done it
Br+P- Jeremy you're disgusting
P- jinx!!
Br- yea yea
D- you didn't answer the question
P- no we never have cause that's not what a relationship is
B- well no duh but like you've been together for like almost eight months
Br- so?
P- just cause we've been together for almost eight months doesnt mean we're like doing that type of stuff
LR- they're still on the soft side of the relationship
P- we're not but I like where me and brent are on our relationship
Br- me too
L- so when are you two getting married
P- no clue but I don't care
Br- oh what's a sudden change
P- I'm okay with not being married right now I just want to be with Brent
LR+L- awwww
D- I feel so single
J- same
An- me third
P- if you made a move on lexi maybe you wouldn't be single Andrew
Br- I'm gonna agree with pier on this one
P- what happened to you being against them being together
Br- well I mean liv wasn't against us dating and you're like her best friend and stuff
L- true that
Br- so why not let them date
P- guys I think I changed him
Br- I just think it will be weird for a while but I think I can get used to it
L- sooo Andrew you making a move or what
Br- yea Andrew don't be a wimp
An- I gotta make a move in front of everyone
J- wait but we don't even know if they like each other
P- Jeremy are you serious
Br- they obviously like each other they just say their friends so no one suspects anything
D- great another brent and Pierson
P- hey we only did that because we didn't wanna rush it
Br- I liked when we kept it a secret
P- same I liked sneaking off
L- okay we get it but now seriously Andrew make a move
All but LR and An- finally!
An- lexi would you like to go on a date this Friday
LR- *blushes* yes Andrew I would like to go on a date
P- finally you made a moveeee
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story I know it isn't brierson but I think I should add a bit of landrew in this lol anyways if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for later chapters let me know!!

Word count: 639

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