Chapter 26

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*skipping to a week later*
LR- today is gonna be so awkward
An- why?
L- Brent and Pierson are now friends and apparently she give him rules to earn her trust back
B- wait so he can only flirt with her
J+D- NO flirting
Br- hey guys
All but br- hey
LR- so when's Pierson getting here
Br- I don't know text-
*before brent can even finish what he was saying someone rings the door bell*
Br- I'll get it
*brent goes to the front door*
Br- *opens the door* hey pierson
P- hey...
Br- come in
P- okay
*pierson goes in*
P- hey guys
All but br and p- heyyy
LR- you haven't been here in a week I missed you
L- well lexi she's dealing with a break u-
Br+P- can we not talk about it
L- oh sorry
LR- you two still act the same
An- just minus the whole acting all couply
P- can we not talk about it
LR- guys we should stop they're still trying to get over it
P- thank you lex
*skipping to later*
An- guys we should go to a bar-
An- jeez
J- I don't think we'll be going to bars in a while
B+D- agreed
L- what about the beach
An- we go there every other week
LR- how about a club
L- that's not a bad idea I mean we're only going to have fun
P- I'm down
LR- then we're going to the club let's get readyyyy
*skipping to when they get to the club*
Brent's pov
Me and boys wait for the girls to get here and the second they do my eyes go straight to pierson and oh my lord she looks beautiful actually no she looks gorgeous I hope I can get her back
End of pov
P- hey guys
The boys- hey
LR- can we goooo
Br- no one's stopping you
*they go inside*
P- so what are we doing-
LR- dance of course
P- I'm not a in a mood to dance
L- oh well there's a bar here
P- I don't really drink
*skipping to later and brent gets a bit drunk cause he's drinking his sorrow out lol*
Br- hey Pierson
P- yea brent
Br- I love you
P- brent-
Br- no don't even say a work I love you and I don't know what to do without you-
P- brent you know what I said and I can't trust you anymore you have to earn it back
Br- *tearing up* I don't know what do without you though Pierson
P- brent I can't do this not right now or right here
Br- but
P- I'm sorry brent
Br- it's okay I just hope you know I love you so much
P- I know you do
*pierson wakes up*
P- thank the lord that was a nightmare
Br- *wakes up* pier you okay?
P- I just had a dream that you cheated on me
Br- I would never cheat on you
P- I know you wouldn't...
Br- wanna go through my phone
P- *nods* I just-
Br- want to be sure go for it you know that password already
*pierson goes through his phone and obvi she finds nun*
P- here's your phone
Br- thanks
P- I don't why I had this dream
Br- things happen
P- do you have bad dreams
Br- yea
P- about what
Br- anything sometimes I have dream where you leave me because I'm "not enough"
P- aww my love you're enough for me
Br- I hope so cause you mean so much to me
P- I know
guyssss they didn't break up it was just her dream lol but I think this is my way of also telling you guys they will break up but later in the book BUT they do get back together lol but hope you guys like this part to my story!!

Word count: 623

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