Chapter 25

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Hey guys js a quick A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy but these next couple chaps ygs are gonna be so upset w me 😭😭 anyways lemme get this chap started lol
*skipping to a week after the party*
P- hey guys
L+LR- hey
P- I'm getting a bit suspicious of brent
LR- why?
P- well he's been on his phone a lot lately and he usually lets me go on his phone cause we trust each other but now he doesn't even let me touch his phone
L- maybe he's planning something for you
P- I feel like he's cheating
LR- oh don't think like that
P- I just don't want anything to happen between me and him I like how me and him are right now
L- it's okay pierson how about we all go out as a group to get it off your mind
P- sure where-
P- lexi I don't think that's-
L- I say we should
P- what about the guys-
LR- I'll go ask
*lexi goes downstairs*
LR- hey guys do you wanna go to a bar
An- why?
LR- just answer
An- I guess
LR- perfect me and the girls are getting ready right now so we'll see you guys in a bit
*skipping to when they get to the bar btw the girls and guys went in different cars*
P- hey guys
Br- you look gorgeous
P- *blushes* thank you
Br- I haven't seen you all day
P- I was with the girls
Br- I know but I missed you
P- aww
Br- so why did lexi wanna go to a bar
P- something
Br- okay well let's go in the other are already inside
P- okay
*they go inside the bar*
L- took you guys long enough to get in here jeez
LR- leave them alone they were making out
P- no we weren't you dummy
Br- so why did lexi wanna come here
LR- for fun of course!!
Br- right fun
*skipping to a bit later brent gets drunk but pierson is sober*
Br- hey Pierson
RG- I'm not pierson
LR- hey brent have you seen pierson
Br- she's right in front of me
L- that's not Pierson let's check the bathroom lex
LR- okay
*they go to the bathroom*
Br- pierson I love you
RG- that's not my name
Br- can I get a kiss
RG- sure
*they kiss*
Pierson pov
I walk out the bathroom with liv and Lexi and see brent... kissing another girl I didn't even realize I started crying till liv and lexi were hugging me
End of pov
L- it's okay
P- but he's my boyfriend-
LR- well he's drunk
P- that doesn't mean he can kiss other girls
An- who's kissing other girls
P- well the guy who had called me gorgeous about a couple hours ago
An- wait Brent
P- *starts crying* yes brent
LR- we should go confront him
J- hey what's wrong with pierson
L- she saw brent kissing a girl
B+D- Brent did what-
LR- we're confronting him right now
*they go up to brent and the girl*
LR- are you serious brent
L- kissing a girl
Br- that's Pierson what do you mean
P- no I'm Pierson your girlfriend
RG- omg you're his girlfriend
P- well now ex girlfriend
RG- omg I'm so sorry I thought he was single and also cause he was alone and drunk
Br- pierson-
P- no brent we're over it doesn't matter if you were drunk I knew I couldn't trust you
LR- I can't believe you Brent we all thought you changed for Pierson
L- come on lex let's take Pierson home
*the girls leave*
Br- where did they go
An- he's so drunk he doesn't even know his girlfriend just broke up with him
J- we should take him home
*skipping to the next day*
Brents pov
I wake up with the biggest headache of my life and I realize pierson isn't next to me but I was drunk and probably annoying anyways I get ready for the day
End of pov
*skipping to when everyone gets there*
Br- hey guys wheres Pierson
LR- at home
Br- why
L- she broke up with you
Br- what...
An- you kissed another girl at the bar while you were drunk
Br- I need to go talk to her
L- wait-
*brent leaves and goes to Piersons house*
Br- *knocking on the door*
P- *opens the door* what do you want you cheater
Br- pierson I'm sorry I was drunk I thought it was you
P- I don't want to hear it brent
Br- please Pierson
P- *tearing up* no I thought I could trust you brent
Br- you can please
P- oh really then why have you've been on your phone so much recently
Br- are we still together or not
P- no
Br- okay well I was planning a trip for us
P- oh...
Br- I didn't mean to kiss another girl pierson
P- brent I can't forgive you
Br- *tears up* please pierson you're the only girl I love
P- I can't trust you
Br- what do I have to do to get your trust back
P- I don't know
Br- pierson I'll do anything
P- fine we can talk about it when the group leaves so it's more privet
Br- okay
P- bye
*pierson closes the door*
Piersons pov
When I saw brent at the door all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and forgive him but I can't he did this to himself but I still love him and I can't help but blush as I'm crying when he said I'm the only girl he loves but I can't trust him
End of pov
*skipping to when the group leaves*
P- *knocking on the door door*
Br- *opens the door* hey
P- hi so we have a lot to talk about
Br- I guess we do
*they go to the living room*
Br- soo
P- so?
Br- what do I do to earn your trust back
P- well I know you're not talking to any other girl but just for safe measure you can talk to any girls that aren't me, lexi, liv or your mom
Br- deal
P- second of all you can't show any interest in any girls in that type of way
Br- easy I don't even do that to anyone but you
P- and third no flirting
Br- okay I don't even flirt with any girls but you-
P- you can't flirt with me either
Br- what-
P- you have to treat me like your friend
Br- I can't treat you like a friend especially cause I love you and I genuinely think you're the love of my life
P- too bad
Br- anything else
P- nope that's all wait no I get to check your phone every other to make sure you're not breaking any of my rules
Br- okay
P- no I'm down and I'm leaving
*pierson leaves*
Hey guys hope you like this chapter to my story and im so sorry that I made pierson and brent break up but it was coming lol but brent is so stupid to think a random girl was Pierson

Word count: 1228

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