Chapter 54

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*skipping the next day*
P- oh god my head hurts
Br- you don't feel like throwing up?
P- nope but did I say anything yesterday
Br- ummm well you were talking about me
P- oh that's good nothing bad right
Br- well you did tell everyone we did it in a movie theater and that I was amazing and then you were talking about how I'm a huge softie and stuff
Br- yea
P- I mean I wasn't lying about you being amazing
Br- like an amazing boyfriend or...
P- ummm I'm not gonna answer that
Br- you should definitely answer that
P- no way
Br- fineee let's go get ready
*they get ready and the group goes over*
LR- soooo yesterday was something
P- oh god I don't wanna talk about
An- so brent was amazing
B- brent asked you the same thing
P- yes now he won't let it go
Br- I'm just teasing you
P- *rolls her eyes* right
Br- hey I am
J- so umm can we pretend that never happened
D- good to know we're on the same page
L- yup I never wanna hear that brent was amazing in bed cause that's just ew
P- I thought we were dropping it
LR- right anyways can we not drop the brent bring a big softie when no one else is around
P- YE-
Br- NO
P- why not it's not like you always act all soft when everyone else is around
Br- still
P- anyways he likes getting babies when it's just the two of us and he LOVEEEES when I play with his hair and he drops the whole tough guy act
L- brent is a real softie
Br- should I tell them how you act when no one is around-
P- if you do I'm canceling the wedding
Br- hey you can't do that
P- I will do you better keep your mouth shut
Br- okay fine
Hey guys hope you like this part of my story sorry it's short I have school tomorrow and I wrote this pretty late so yeaaa I'll try to update tomorrow!!!

Word count: 367

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