Chapter 49

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*skipping to a bit later everyone goes back to their hotel rooms*
P- brentttttttt
Br- piersonnnnn
P- stop mocking me
Br- I'm sorry
P- it's okay anyways do we really look like we hate each other
Br- I don't think so
P- I feel like ever since we broke up that one time it's been weird between us
Br- me too
P- really...
Br- yea but I think I'm more in love with you then I was before we broke up
P- *blushes* really?
Br- yea after I lost you I think that made me realize how much I love you and how I would do anything for you
P- awww brent i love you
Br- I love you more
P- I wonder why liv said we look like we hate each other
Br- maybe cause we weren't touchy with each and probably cause we weren't next to each
P- oh makes sense I guess- what if she likes you
Br- she doesn't like me if anything she likes that Alex dude
P- I think I'm just scared now over anyone's who's friends with you
Br- it's okay I won't do anything to hurt you
P- I know
Br- oh shoot we're supposed to meet the group for dinner
P- oh yea
*they go meet the group*
L- took you two long enough
Br- sorry we were talking and lost track of time
L- whatever
P- liv when are you and Alex having your date
L- we already had it
Al- we went on a date during lunch
P- oh okay
LR- come on guys we're going to get seated soon
P- okay let's go brent
L- are you two okay?
Br- we're okay why wouldn't we-
P- liv do you have feelings for brent
P- well you are showing you like him so what's up
L- I hate brent
Br- okay that's a little harsh but then again we're friends so it doesn't even matter
P- liv just be honest do you like him
L- oh god no brent isn't my type he's like my brother and you've been saying it these past two days I like Alex he's different then any guy I ever dated
P- so why are you hating on our relationship
L- cause he stole you from me
P- liv-
L- no Pierson you're with him 24/7 like do you need to be with him all the time yk we were best friends sometimes I regret even begging Brent to let you join
P- what...
L- yea I said it ever since you and Brent started dating you slowly stopped hanging out with me and Lexi and I know Lexi doesn't care cause she has her own boyfriend but she doesn't even hang out with him like that but you're with Brent every single day
Br- okay liv that's enough-
L- no sometimes I wish you two never met I wish sometimes you two would break up so I can finally have my best friend back
P- if you really want that then fine brent we're over
Br- what-
P- there happy
LR- hey guys we're getting seated why are you guys outside let's go
*they go inside*
Br- hey lex can I sit there
LR- I thought you'd be sitting next to Pierson
Br- she broke up with me..
All but P and L and Br- WHAT
An- why you two we're literally walking over here perfectly fine
P- *tearing up* I don't want to talk about it but if you want to know what happened ask liv..
LR- *hugs her* hey it's okay if Brent cheated on you then forget about him-
P- he didn't cheat lex he wouldn't do that
LR- did you lose feelings
P- lexi you know this better then anyone I love brent so much
LR- liv what happened
L- nothing they just broke up
An- nah something happened what happened
J- real cause no one could break them up that easily
D+B- exactly
L- nothing
LR- liv istg
L- fine I just said some stuff and then pierson broke up with him cause of what I said
P- I'm going back to the hotel
LR- here I'll go back with you pier
Br- lexi-
LR- I know brent don't worry
An- bye lex
LR- bye *pecks his cheek*
*lexi and Pierson leave*
An- what did liv say
Br- she told pierson she regretted begging me to let her join the group and she regretted ever bringing her one I guess and then she said that she missed having her best friend and stuff and that's when pierson broke up with me
B- this is a sign brent
An- okay first of what do you mean Ben and second liv what's your problem
L- nothing
B- I mean if everyone is going to hate on Brent's and Piersons relationship that's a sign that they shouldn't be together
Br- Ben no even if anyone hates on it I don't care and neither does Pierson
*with pierson and liv*
LR- it's okay Pierson maybe he will do anything to get you back
P- that's the thing lexi I know he will do anything to get me back and I know it will work because i love him I love him more then anyone but liv is right I only ever hang out with him and it needs to stop
LR- no pierson she's just jealous of brent cause you two are together and you're around each other everyday but don't think that she has a point
P- but-
LR- anyone and everyone can hate on your relationship but as long as you two love each other then who the heck cares if anyone hated on me and Andrew's relationship I wouldn't care because we love each other
P- yea i guess but I just broke up with him on the spot
LR- that's okay
P- even if I asked him to get back together he wouldn't say yes-
LR- Pierson he's loved you since the day you walked in his house with liv you caught his attention
P- I know that but-
LR- don't break up with him just cause someone isn't happy
P- so you think he'll take me back
LR- of course he will he literally adores you
P- do you think he'll take me back right now
LR- what do you mean-
P- let's go back to dinner
LR- oh okay
*they go back to the restaurant*
An- what happened-
LR- no clue she wanted to come back
P- where is Brent
B- bathroom-
Br- I'm back-
P- *kisses brent*
LR- awwww
An- what did you do
LR- fixed whatever liv did that's what I did
P- can I talk to you
Br- sure
*they leave*
Br- so what was up with that kiss
P- i regret breaking up with you
Br- I know
P- sooooo can we-
Br- yea we can *kisses her*
P- can we skip dinner
Br- you sure you want to-
P- yes
Br- okay then I'll be back
P- okay
*brent goes back in*
Br- here's my card to pay for dinner lexi give it back to me tomorrow at breakfast
LR- okay?
Br- bye guys
An- he's so getting some-
LR- *smacks Andrew* get your mind out the gutter
An- owwws
*brent leaves*
Br- so where do you wanna go
P- back to the hotel room
Br- for what
P- I just wanna be with you
Br- okay
*they go back to their hotel room*
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story I was gonna post this last night but I literally fell asleep mid writing it lol but if you have ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know!!!!

Word count: 1300

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