Chapter 46

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*skipping to the next day*
P- guys I'm bored
Br- you're always bored
P- heyyyy that's mean
Br- sorry
P- anyways I'm bored
LR- what should we do cause we've basically been everywhere
P- we should go to Vegas
L- oooo I'm down
Br- maybe liv will find a boyfriend there
L- okay brent if it weren't for me you wouldn't have a girlfriend
Br- heyy that's mean
L- yea and she loves me way more then you
Br- yea I know that
P- woah why are we assuming stuff I love liv but I love brent way more and plus he is my boyfriend
An- soo back to Vegas
P- oh yea
LR- I'm down
An- same
Br- then I guess we're booking a flight to Vegas let's go pack then
*skipping to when they get to Vegas*
P- sooo what should we do first
Br- get to our hotel
L+LR- hotel?
P- we're staying here?
Br- for like three days
P- yay
LR- I didn't pack enough
Br- we can go to a mall or something anyways here's what the rooms and who's sharing with who
P- wait are Andrew and Lexi sharing a room
Br- I have no clue it's up to them
An- lex you can share with liv
LR- you sure
An- yea I'm sure beautiful
LR- *blushes*
Br- okay so the rooms are liv and Lexi, Andrew and Jeremy, Ben and dom, and me and pierson
All but Br- okay
Br- we'll meet back down here in 30 minutes
All but Br- okay
*everyone gets to their room*
Br- hey pier
P- yea?
Br- you look beautiful
P- thank you my love
Br- I'm gonna put our bags away
P- okay I'm gonna go fix my hair
*skipping to a bit later*
Br- we should probably go
P- oh yea let's go
*they go*
LR- took you guys long enough
P- we lost track of time
Br- more like she did she was fixing her hair
P- rude
Br- sorry but your hair looks pretty
P- aww thank you my love
L- can we goooo now
P- yea let's go
*they go to the mall as they were talking pierson wasn't paying attention and bumps into a guy*
P- omg I'm so sorry
RG- (random guy) it's okay
P- you sure
RG- yea don't sweat it
P- what's your name
RG- my name is Alex
P- nice to meet you Alex I'm Pierson
Br- hey pier- hey
A- hey I'm Alex your girlfriend bumped into me on accident-
L- hey guys what's taking you guys so long
A- hey I'm Alex
L- hey I'm liv
A- you're cute can I get your number
L- oh ummm sure
A- thanks
Br- okay bye-
P- brent can I talk to you privately
Br- sure
*in private*
Br- so?
P- can we let Alex hang out with us
Br- why do you like him
P- brent what did I promise you
Br- that you wouldn't lose feelings
P- okay so you know I don't like him but he definitely likes liv and I think liv might like him
Br- fine
P- thank you babe *kisses him*
*they go back to the other*
Br- oh so you guys met Alex
LR- yeaaa
L- Brent can Alex hang out with us
Br- yea I don't really mind
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know!!!

Word count: 586

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