Chapter 8

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*skipping to the next day*
L- guyssss we should go see the Eiffel Tower
P- sorry
Br- it's fine
LR- okay but we should get breakfast first
P- yes please I'm starving
Br- same
B- okay you two we get it
P+Br- what?
An- you're in love
D- very in love with
An- all the flirting and kissing yesterday didn't seem like it
P- well we are
L- whatever let's just get breakfast so we can start our day
*they eat breakfast*
P- that breakfast was so good
Br- I agree
P- what's a brierson?
L- you and Brent's ship name
Br- you guys are weird
An- I ship brierson
D+B- same
Br- you guys need to stop
P- literally
L- yea yea
LR- okay let's just go to the Eiffel Tower now
*they go to the Eiffel Tower*
P- stop it looks so pretty
Br- not as pretty as you
P- *blushes* stopp
LR- brierson!!!
P- Lexi stop
L- what are you embarrassed
P- what no you two are just weird
L- right
*they hang out at the Eiffel Tower for a bit and then they go back to their hotel rooms*
*with brierson*
P- do you think Lexi and liv were being weird
Br- they're always weird
P- *giggles* stop being mean
Br- it's not mean if I'm being honest
P- right "honest"
Br- hey I'm honest I mean every word I say
P- really
Br- yea
P- so you mean every word you've said to me
Br- yes I've meant every word I've ever said to you
P- even the 'I love you'
Br- yes
P- Brent
Br- what?
P- *hugs him* you're the best guy ever
Br- *hugs her back* aww pierson that's really sweet
P- yea yea let's not get too cheesy
Br- *laughs*
P- what should we do I'm pretty bored but also very tired
Br- I'm tired too
P- we should take a nap
Br- I'm down
*they fall asleep and then end up cuddling*
Hope you guys like this chapter it's a bit short cause I'm basically writing this at 1 am and stuff since I didn't write anything today since it was Christmas Eve and my family had a party and stuff so I couldn't write but I tried to!
Also merry Christmas and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas! <33

Word count: 413

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