Chapter 29

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*skipping to the next day*
LR- guysssss
P- whattttt
LR- we should go out
An- I'm down
L+P- sameeee
La- I'm down
B- but we gotta wait for brent to get back
J- where did he even go
P- no clue but I'll text him
*pierson texted him*
P- he said he's coming back as fast as he can
D- but we're only going out does he need to be as fast as he can
P- yea
LR- what did you text him
P- I told him that I was sobbing over something stupid and he doesn't like to see or hear me cry so he's rushing here to comfort me
L- the power you have over him
P- like I said yesterday he's sooooo in love with me
LR- are you in love with him
P- of course I am-
*as she said that Brent comes rushing in*
Br- are you okay pier-
P- hi my love
Br- you weren't crying
P- nope
Br- that's so mean
P- yea yea anyways can we gooo I don't wanna be at home all day
L- we gotta wait for Lauren to get here
P- ughhhh can she hurry
B- Pierson she's probably five minutes-
*just as Ben was saying that Lauren came in*
La- hey guysss
All but La- hey
La- im so sorry I'm late
L- brent is so gonna be mad
La- I'm so sorry brent I promise it won't happen again
Br- oh umm it's fine ig
An- omg he isn't yelling
D- pierson for sure changed him
P- seeeee he's so in loveeeeee
Br- shut up Pierson
P- rude now can we goooooo
LR- yes we can go nowwww
*they go to the mall*
LR- what store should we go to
LR- well the guys don't like shopping with us so they can go their own way
P- brent likes shopping with me
L- well obviously he does but how are we gonna have girl talk with him there
P- true
LR- so we agree
All- sure
Br- k bye guys
P- byeeee
LR- omg he didn't hug or kiss you-
Br- wait forgot something
P- what
Br- *kisses her* bye
P- byeee
*the girls and guys go their own way*
LR- we should go on a trip some time
P- omg yessss
L- where tho?
La- what about Paris yk the city of love
P- I remember brent took us there and he tried to ask me out
L- you two were very touchy
La- sooooo
L- I say yes
P- if we're going and that's if Brent agrees i definitely need more clothes to pack
LR- don't you have enough
P- yes but I need moreeeee
*they go to a store*
P- what do you guys think of this dress
LR+L- cuteeee
La- that's so ugly on you
P+L+LR- ....
La- what?
P- anways do you think Brent would like it
LR- I think he would
L- he definitely will im pretty sure he'd be even more down bad for you
P- *giggles*
LR- omg that wine red color dress is so pretty
P- that would look so good on you lex
LR- I should get it
L- what about this blue one
P- that's cute I should also get this navy blue dress
La- can we go somewhere else
P- oh sure just give us a minute to pay
*with the boys*
An- where should we go
Br- no clue I just miss-
B+J- pierson
Br- yea
*with the girls*
P- are you guys hungry
L+LR- yesssss
La- we should get the guys then
P- already told Brent to meet us over here
Br- hey guys
P- hi sweetie *hugs him*
Br- hi babe
P- *blushes*
An- so why did we get called over here
P- to eat lunch together
Br- what are we gonna eat
P- no clue but let's go *they go to the food court*
Br- here you guys go buy the food with my card
All- okay
La- can I stay with you brent
P- *rolls her eyes*
Br- I guess
*everyone else goes to get food*
La- so how long have you and Pierson been dating
Br- for a while now close to a year why?
La- so you wouldn't say she's a fling
Br- why would she be a fling
La- well I mean there's tons of girls out there who are so into you like you know me
Br- oh
La- what?
Br- you're cool and all but I really like pierson
La- why
Br- there's just something about her
La- what about me is there something about me
Br- no
La- uh-
Br- like I said I'm not into to you I have Pierson she's the only one I want-
LR- we're backkkk
P- so what were you two talking about
Br- we were talking about-
La- how brent is so into me and how good of a kisser he is
P- right
La- you don't believe me?
P- brent would never cheat
Br- I would never
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story sorry if it took me a while to update I'm super busy with school and stuff but let me know if you guys have ideas for a chapter!!!

Word count: 889

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