Chapter 42

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*js gonna skip ahead to landrews date*
An- soooo
LR- soooo?
An- what do you think our date is gonna be
LR- I have no clue is it a fancy restaurant
An- no
LR- then what is it
An- you'll see
*they get to the beach*
LR- why are we at the beach
An- just come on
LR- ok..?
*they walk on the beach a bit till they reach a cute little picnic*
LR- omggg Andrew this is so cute
An- I thought our second date should be simple but fun
LR- *hugs him* this is so cute thank you Andrew
An- you're welcome
*im gonna go back to brierson now lol*
Br- I don't know what you mean pier
P- seriously
Br- yea I'm sorry
P- it's fine let's just sit down
Br- where do you wanna sit
P- let's sit in the back
Br- okay
*they sit in the back and their movie starts*
P- sooooo
Br- sooooo
P- is this a date or
Br- I mean it kinda is since we're alone
P- so if we're alone
Br- yea?
P- *sits on his lap*
Br- hey I was watching the movie
P- why watch the movie when you can pay attention to me
Br- Pier-
*before brent can even finish his sentence pierson crashes her lips to Brent's and now I'm going back to landrews date*
LR- this date was fun
An- I'm glad you like it
*btw now they're just watching the sunset*
LR- hey Andrew
An- yea lex
LR- I know it's only been like two dates but can we just make it official already
An- if that's what you want I was taking it slow because I don't want to rush you
LR- aww that's sweet of you but i want to make it official
An- then we're dating
LR- finally
An- were you waiting for me to ask you out
LR- kinda but I can do this and not be awkward
An- do what-
LR- *kisses him*
*back to brierson*
Br- pier are you okay
P- yea why
Br- we for starters you just crashed your lips to mine and second you just sat on my lap and you've never done that
P- sorry I'll get off-
Br- *holds her by her waist* why
P- well I'm guessing you're uncomfortable
Br- I'm not and why would I pay attention to the movie when I can be paying attention to you
P- *blushes* so now your repeating everything I say
Br- maybe I am *kisses her*
*they ended up making out again and then doing ykk.. 😨 back to landrew*
LR- soooo Andrew
An- yea
LR- Pierson texted me a while ago that she was at the movies with Brent I wanna spy on them
An- I'm down
*they go to the movie theater looking for brent and Piersons and when they found them they wish they never came*
An- yo wth
LR- I wish we never came
An- and they said like what a week or so ago they've never done it
LR- they never have
An- wait really
LR- yea pierson wouldn't lie especially to me and liv so I'm guessing this is their first time
An- and in a movie theater
LR- hey at least their alone im guessing brent rented out the theater
An- I wanna know who started it
LR- omg Andrew
An- what
LR- get your mind out the gutter
An- sorry babe
LR- *blushes* that's a new na-
*just as Lexi was about to finished her sentence brent and pierson walk out*
Br- oh uhmm what are you two doing here
P- okay weirdos did Andrew take you to the movie theater as a date
LR- oh no we were at the beach and came here to watch a movie but it was really boring so we were just standing here talking right babe
An- yea right
P- are you two finally together
LR- yea
Br- that's nice did he ask you out
LR- not exactly
P- oooo did you ask him out
An- yea she did she didn't wanna take it slow
P- oh well I mean not everyone takes it slow
LR- yea anyways pierson your hair is like sooo messy you should fix it before you go
P- *turns red* I'm guessing it got messed up when I was laying on Brent's shoulder
An- right "shoulder"
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story ermmm this chap was a bit awkward and even awkward for me to write lol also sorry for the late update anyways if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know!!! also shout out to Brierson_Stories for the idea of making this chapter "spicy" lol

Word count: 799

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