Chapter 52

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An- took brent long enough to propose
L- wait he didn't propose in Paris like he said he would
Br- no way I had a whole plan and it worked
P- so I didn't ruin it for myself
Br- oh no way
B- so when's the wedding?
J- real
D- they just got engaged I don't think they'll be getting married too quick
P- obviously not
Al- congrats
P- thanks Alex
L- so what are we gonna do now
LR- party duhhh-
Br- there is no party
Br- well for starters we're in Greece and second of all if we had a party it will be when we get back which we should start packing cause we leave tomorrow morning
LR+L+P- awwwww
Br- not you too
P- it was needed
An- we should get packing then
*everyone goes to their rooms to go pack*
Br- there will be a party
P- what?
Br- well I planned a party for when we get back with everyone including my family and yours too
P- about that...
Br- what?
P- I didn't really tell them I had a boyfriend
Br- what?
P- I have no clue why I didn't tell them since we've been together for so long
Br- huh
P- what if they get mad at me for hiding the relationship for so long
Br- I think they'd understand
P- you think so
Br- of course I mean at least your brother knows
P- oh yea at least he knows
Br- yea that's good now I say we finish packing and head to bed cause we have a long flight tomorrow
P- I'm kinda sad we're leaving
Br- it's okay we can always just come back
P- yea I guess
*skipping to the next day*
LR- you two ready to go
Br- yea- where's Pierson
LR- I don't know I just came in here
L- don't worry she's probably in the bathroom
P- what are you guys talking about
Br- where were you?
P- I was brushing my teeth
Br- oh
P- yea very big 'oh'
Br- you ready
P- yea
*skipping to when they got home*
P- that was the longest flight ever
Br- hey at least we're home
P- finally I need to sleep
Br- here you go to bed I'll take the bags out
P- you sure
Br- yes I'm sure
P- okay see you inside *pecks his cheek*
*brent gets the bags from the trunk and goes inside*
P- soooooo
Br- sooooo
P- when can we start planning for the wedding
Br- whenever you want
P- so tonight
Br- not exactly tonight
P- awww
Br- maybe tomorrow
P- that's better then not being able to plan I guess
Br- you'll live
P- yea yea
Hey guys hope you like this part to my book let me know if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters!!!

Word count: 503

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