Chapter 7

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*skipping to a couple hours later the group goes out for lunch*
L- so guys what should we do after lunch
LR- I say we go to a museum maybe?
P- I'm down for that what about you my love?
L- is she calling me my-
Br- I think it's a good idea
L- oh??
LR- Brent why did you answer she was asking liv?
P- I actually was asking brent *smiles*
L- since when was he "my love"
P- what's wrong with it?
LR- nothing it's just that you two always say your friends
Br- cause we are
B- anyways we're at the place to eat lunch let's go
*they go in and get seated*
Br- *pull the chair out for pierson*
P- *sits down* thank you handsome
Br- *blushes* your welcome
*as they were having lunch brent and pierson start to get even more flirty with each other*
LR- you two are being really flirty it's weird
L- yea
An- why do I kinda find it normal
P- *giggles* what
Br- Andrew your weird
P- not as weird as you brent
Br- hey that's mean
P- *pecks his cheek* im sorry my love
Br- it's fine
Everyone else- erm..
P- what
LR- did you not just see what you did
Br- she's done worse
P- hey shhhh we don't talk about it
L- what else has she done?
Br- she kissed me
LR- did she now *smirks*
An- pictures or it didn't happen
Br- why would we have a picture-
P- *kisses him*
L- *takes a pic*
*they pull apart*
P- there's your proof
Br- *blushes*
P- are you blushing again sweetie
Br- shut up
P- drop the attitude
Br- sorry
*skipping to when they go to the museum*
Br- *puts his arm around Pierson*
P- what are you doing
Br- walking with the girl I love
P- you love me
Br- why wouldn't I?
P- we're friends brent
Br- so?
p- sooo
Br- we were flirting the whole entire time at lunch
P- I know I was there
Br- right
B- anyways we're here
D- jeez it's weird seeing this
L- I think it's cute
LR- sameee
An- wait so is Brent can flirt with lexis friend that means *leans in for a kiss*
LR- *rolls her eyes* in your dreams Andrew
Br- now that's sad
P- *giggles*
Br- can we go inside already
D- yes we can
*they go in*
P- *pulls Brent's arm off her*
Br- heyy what was that for
P- *holds his hand*
Br- oh I thought-
P- you thought wrong
*they stop to look at paintings*
P- this painting is so pretty
Br- *wraps his arms around her waist*
P- what are you doing my love
Br- looking at the painting
L- Lexi
LR- yea?
L- look at them
LR- aww
L- we should take pictures of them
LR- *takes a picture* already ahead of you
L- yea yea
*skipping to when they go back to their hotel rooms btw they had dinner after they had left the museum since it was 8 pm when they left the museum*
Br- so pierson
P- yes?
Br- will you be my-
P- no
Br- what? why? you've been flirting with me for a while no-
P- don't get me wrong I have a crush on you I'm just not ready for a relationship I'm sorry
Br- oh you could've just said that instead of just saying no
P- I'm sorry
Br- hey it's okay I'm not mad
P- promise?
Br- I promise you I'm not bad
P- we're good right?
Br- yea
P- does this mean we can flirt anymore?
Br- I didn't say that
P- if you say so
Hey guys hope you like this part of my book also happy holidays

Word count: 634

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