Chapter 44

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*skipping to a couple weeks later*
P- guysssss
L- what?
P- I don't know I'm kinda bored
LR- what should we do
P- no clue I'm gonna be so bored today
L- where's Brent
P- no clue
LR- how do you not know I know where Andrew is all the time
L- what if he's at a girls house pierson
P- he's not he wouldn't be at a girls house
LR- how do you know
P- because he wouldn't do that to me and he's proven it
LR- I guess but still
P- omg fine I'll call him jeez
*pierson calls brent*
Br- helloooo
P- hi my love
Br- you okay
P- yea I'm fine also where are you
Br- oh I just went to go run some errands but I'm done I'm just getting some coffee
P- omggg you should like-
Br- don't worry I got you coffee too I'll be home in five minutes is there anything you need I can go pick up
P- no I'm okay just wondering where you went
Br- you didn't think I'd be at a girls house did you?
P- lexi and liv thought you would be but I was just calling to see where you went
Br- ohh okay gotcha
P- sooo I'll see you soon
Br- yea
P- okay welll bye I love you
Br- bye i love you more
*the call ends*
L+LR- awwwww
P- shut up
L- he's so in love with you
LR- yea he is
P- lexi Andrew has never told you he loves you way more then you do
LR- no?
P- oh?
P- took him long enough
*the girls go down*
P- hi my love
Br- hey beautiful here's your coffee
P- thank you *kisses his cheek*
Br- you're welcome oh happy eight months
P- omggg i forgot that today marks eight months we've been together
L+LR- awwww
Br- I also got you flowers
P- awww Brent that's so sweet of you
Br- and we're going on a date tonight
P- aww
LR- stop that's so cute Andrew why can't you be like brent
An- cause I'm different plus we've only been together for a couple of weeks we haven't it our one month I'm sorry
LR- it's fine I'm just teasing you I don't want you to be like Brent I like that you're different
L- guys whatever is in the air needs to come my way cause I seriously need a boyfriend
P- you'll get one you just have you wait
Br- so what did you do all day
P- nothing I've been bored out of my mind
Br- my errands were boring so at least were on the same page
P- I would rather go run boring errands with you then be here alone bored out of my mind
Br- they were boring but I did want company
P- see you should've token me
Br- I didn't think you would wanna run errands with me especially since they were boring
P- brent I wouldn't care if they were boring I would just want to be with you
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story sorry it's been a while since I've updated I have no clue why it's taken me so long lol but if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know

Word count: 566

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