Chapter 34

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*skipping to the next day*
L- so how was the dinner
P- it went really good
Br- too good
An- what's that supposed to mean
Br- she was making fun of me with them
P- *giggles* no I wasn't
LR- oh we so were it was so funny
Br- you guys are mean
La- pierson that's to rude of you making fun of your own boyfriend
LR- what about me I was making fun of brent
La- you're his sister you're allowed to
L- oh?
La- brent a girl like me would never make fun of you
Br- so?
La- that makes me better then any other girl so yk
Br- yk what?
La- we should totally go out sometime
Br- like with the group cause I'm down
La- *puts her hand on his shoulder* no hon I mean alone
P- *gets jealous* yk yea brent you should go with her alone
All but Br, P, and La- oooo
P- I'm going back to my house
Br- wait pierson
P- I don't wanna hear it
*pierson leaves*
La- she's just a waste of your time
LR- Lauren what's your problem
La- what do you mean
L- going after someone else's boyfriend?
La- what's wrong with that I mean brent is obviously into me
Br- ew
La- what?
Br- I would never be into you now i gotta go check on my girlfriend PIERSON
An- the rejection is wild omg
*brent goes goes to piersons house*
Br- pier open the door
P- *opens the door* what do you want
Br- why did you leave
P- isn't it obvious
Br- well yea but still
P- brent she's obviously into you and is going to do everything in her power to make us break up
Br- pierson
P- what
Br- even if she tried I wouldn't break up with you
P- yea right
Br- pierson I love you and you're the one for me
P- how do I know you're not lying
Br- well for starters I got you a puppy and I let you meet my parents and brothers which is shocking to everyone because I don't bring any girls home
P- so I'm the first girl you've brought over
Br- yea because I love you and I believe if we can make this work we can be together forever
P- *blushes* really forever
Br- yea well technically forever isn't a thing but yk what I mean
P-I know what you mean don't worry
Br- so wanna go back to the house
P- yea I should't have walked out
Br- it's okay you were just jealous
P- how do you know I'm jealous
Br- I know my pierson
P- *blushes*
*they go back to Brent's house*
Br- we're back
LR- so you guys made up
P- we didn't fight tho
Br- she was just jealous
P- shut up
L- you have no reason to be jealous
Br- exactly
P- yea yea
LR- we kicked Lauren out for the day
P- good to know
B- we leave for Paris this Friday
J- I can't wait
D+An- same
P- finally
LR- have you guys finished packing
P- oh yea I finished a while ago
Br- same
L- I still haven't finished
P- liv you had like three weeks to pack
An- she's a girl leave her alone
L- thank you Andrew
D- just cause your a girl doesn't mean it takes forever to pack
J+B- realll
*skipping to when they leave for Paris and their on the plane*
P- brentttt
Br- yea babe
P- wanna share AirPods
Br- sure
*they share AirPods and the song Glue Song by beabadoobee starts playing if you know you know lol*
Br- what playlist are you listening to I know this isn't on any of the playlists I've heard you listen to
P- ummm
Br- pier
P- just a playlist
Br- lier I'm not gonna make fun of you
P- okay well I saw on your phone that you had a playlist with my initial on it and had cute little love songs so I made one for you
Br- you really went through my phone
P- what
Br- can I at least see the playlist
P- fine
*pierson shows him the playlist*
Br- I think someone's in loveee
P- I think someone's in love too
Br- oh really
P- oh yea I'm looking at him
Br- and I'm looking at her
P- how much longer till we land
Br- no clue
P- I'm already bored
Br- of me
P- no never I love you
Br- I'm just joking
P- brent
Br- yes
P- say it back
Br- say what
P- that you love me
Br- oh sorry I love you too my love
P- *blushes*
Br- you're blushing
P- yea yea
Br- wanna watch a movie
P- omg yesss
Br- what do you wanna watch
P- tangled
Br- okay
*they watch tangled*
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story also sorry if it took me a while to post it I have no clue why it took me sooo long lol but let me know if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for later chapters!!!

Word count: 868

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