Chapter 47

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*skipping to a bit later*
P- I'm hungry
Br- good thing we're going to lunch
LR- sooooo liv you haven't been talking to anyone have you?
L- uhm no? I'm too single it's sad
P- indeed it is
L- shut up if it weren't for me you wouldn't have met your "amazing" boyfriend
P- hey leave me alone
Al- wait how did you and your boyfriend meet
P- liv actually introduced me to him and he just fell in love yk I just have a sort of charm
Br- oh quit lying we met through liv and we bother liked each other and then one day we had a sort of argument and that's when we finally made it official and started going out
P- before that though the second he saw me he fell in love
Br- stop lying
P- I'm not lying but whatever
B- so Alex you single
Al- yea I actually am
P- yk who else is single
Al- who?
Br+P- liv
L- okay guys
P- what he called you cute and there's definitely a sort of chemistry in here
L- you and Brent have zero chemistry so I have no clue how you see chemistry
P- we have chemistry
L- oh really
P- oh yea
Br- why does everyone hate on our relationship can we just be happy without anyone having to hate on it
LR- it's liv not us
P- anyways me and brent have chemistry we've had chemistry since we first met
LR- I agree on that
Br- anyways Alex where are you from
Al- I'm from California but I'm here in Vegas for a bit of a trip
L- omg were on a trip and were from Cali too
Al- oh that's great
An- are we getting lunch or what
J- real we've got to the place like 30 minutes ago
P- right let's go
*they go in and get seated*
L- I don't see the chemistry between you two still
P- omg how will you see the chemistry
Br+P- omg
L- maybe a kiss will help me see it
P- fine *kisses brent*
L- oh yea the chemistry is definitely there
Br- see
P- yk you and Alex look like you have chemistry
L- *blushes* whatttt
Al- really
P- yea for sure
Br- hey pier
P- yes my love
Br- you look beautiful
P- aww thank you *pecks his cheek*
D- okay now let's keep ourselves in our own bubble
B- real
An- once these two get all touchy it never stops
P- shut up Andrew
LR- heyyy let's not tell my boyfriend to shut up
P- then you better get him cause istg
Br- okay how about we just order something to eat
*skipping to after lunch*
P- man that was good
LR- real I'm so full
L- me too
Al- sorry guys I have to go
Br- oh dang we should try to hang out again
Al- I'm down just have liv text me
L- yea I'll for sure text you anyways bye
Al- bye beautiful
L- *blushes*
*alex leaves*
L- omggg can we not talk about it
P- don't even you like him too
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story if you guys have any ideas or suggestions let me know!!

Word count: 561

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