Chapter 11

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*skipping to the next day btw brent slept over*
Br- good morning
P- morning
Br- I should go home before everyone gets here
P- good idea
Br- so I'll see you in a bit
P- yea
Br- okay then bye-
P- *kisses him* bye
Br- *blushes*
P- ha I got you to blush
Br- yea yea I'll see you later
P- byeeee
*brent leaves and pierson starts to get ready*
*skipping to when everyone is at the group house*
L- hey Pierson I have a question
P- what's up?
L- so what's going on with you and Bryce?
P- what?
L- like are you two in a relationship or?
P- ew no I would never date Bryce
L- would you date brent
P- ...
L- I'm not hearing a 'no'
P- and I think it's time I go home
L- what-
P- nothing
LR- okay why are you acting weird after liv asked you that question?
P- I'm not
LR- right
*just then someone rings the doorbell*
Br- I'll get it
*brent goes to answer the door*
Br- oh Bryce what are you doing here
Bry- *bryce* is pierson here?
Br- yea she is why?
Bry- I need to talk to her
Br- oh okay well come in she should be somewhere in here
Bry- alright
*bryce goes in*
P- what took you so long brent
Br- you have a visitor
P- I do? Is it you?
Br- *smiles* in your dreams
P- rude anyways who's here to see me?
Br- Bryce
P- oh great
Br- you okay?
P- yea it's just-
Bry- hey Pierson
P- heyy bryce
An- damn brent you're gonna let him steal your girl
P- we're not together
Br- exactly
Bry- so pierson if you're single will you go on a date with me?
Br- pierson stop yelling
P- sorry my love
Bry- why not?
P- I have my reason to say no but also cause I see you as a friend
Bry- alright I can except that
P- hey at least you tried
Bry- true anyways I should get going
P- byeeee
*bryce leaves*
P- see liv this is why I don't wanna date Bryce he has a too big of ego and he always does this
An- looks like someone is trying to get your girl brent
Br- Andrew for the last time-
All- we're not together
P- heyyyy
LR- *laughing*
L- just admit you two are dating
P- but we're not
Br- yea
*skipping to later on ik im basically doing snippets or wtv I have a huge headache and js wanna finish writing this lol*
*btw brent and pierson are alone in this part*
Br- hey Pierson
P- yea?
Br- do you trust me?
P- a little I haven't seen you flirt with anyone else but me
Br- so we're getting somewhere
P- yes we are but until then this relationship is a secret
Br- I kinda like it being a secret
P- really
Br- yea it's fun sneaking away from everyone else to have alone time
P- speaking of sneaking away we gotta go back to the rest before they think we're doing anything
Br- you're right
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story also I go back to school on Tuesday so I might not update for a couple of days cause I gotta focus on school and stuff but I'll try to update as much as I can

Word count: 576

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