Chapter 50

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*skipping to when they get back from Vegas and btw alex comes back from Vegas two days after*
Br- you ready to go down everyone's waiting for us
P- no I don't wanna see liv
Br- I think liv should take a break from the group
P- you're kicking her out
Br- what no just let her no come over this week and she'll come back next Monday so she can have some time to think for herself
P- but-
Br- hey yk I'd do anything for you so let me do this
P- fine
*brent goes down*
Br- hey guys
All but Br- hey
LR- where's Pierson
Br- upstairs if you wanna go see her
LR- k I'll be back
*lexi goes upstairs*
L- why's she upstairs
Br- hey liv can I talk to you privately
L- uhh sure
*they go to the guest room*
L- so what's up
Br- you're taking a break from the squad
Br- it's just for the week next Monday you'll be back
L- what why
Br- because of what you said in Vegas
L- fine I'll leave
Br- thank you
*liv leaves*
LR- where did liv go
Br- she's taking a break she'll be back next week
LR- oh okay-
An- but why
Br- just some stuff happened
P- yea just some stuff but she'll be back soon
J- ummm okay?
Br- so what should we do
B- nothing
LR- real Vegas has me exhausted
An- sameee
B- I gotta go guys I'm hanging out with Hannah
Br- oh okay then bye have fun
B- thanks
*ben leaves*
J- I need to get a girlfriend
P- you'll find one
D- what about me
LR- you'll get one you just have to be patient
An- real
P- Andrew are you happy with Lexi
An- yea why
P- idk you two barely get touchy around us
LR- we don't like to
P- I get that
An- yea we ain't like you and been
P- yea I guess and no everyone is like me and brent
Br- real me and Pierson are different
P- I like it
An- you two aren't different
LR- real you're practically perfect for each other
J- literally
D- yea you two basically twins
P- how?
LR- brown eyes, brown hair, almost same style
P- oh yea I guess we are
Br- isn't that cute
P- guys I think my boyfriend likes me
Br- who wouldn't like you
An- uhhh people who aren't dating her?
Br- not like that
An- oh well then almost everyone
LR- real everyone loves Pierson
Br- no one loves Pierson as much as I do
J- well obviously
*skipping to later everyone is just talking*
Br- *admiring Pierson*
LR- brent?
An- yo brent
J- is he okay
D- maybe he's zoned out
Br- huh what sorry
LR- took you long enough
P- *giggles* you were looking at me for a while are you okay
Br- yea I'm okay why wouldn't I be?
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story if you have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know and shoutout to Brierson1212 for the idea of this chapter!!!

Word count:536

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