Chapter 38

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*im gonna skip to after landrews date and the girls talk about it*
P- sooo how was your date
L- real how was it I've been dying to know
LR- it went good Andrew complimented my outfit said I looked beautiful we went to dinner he payed and we went to the beach after and that's it
P- seriously no kiss
L- Andrew needs to step it up
LR- well there was a kiss
LR- after the date when he dropped me off there was a kiss
P- awww lexi you're blushing
LR- yea yea
L- so are you two together
LR- no exactly we're taking it slow we're at the talking stage I guess
P- I hate the talking stage
L- why?
P- me and brent were on the talking stage and he was flirting with that one girl from the beach
L- oh yea- wait what-
P- what?
LR- you two were talking before Paris
P- yea we started talking after we confessed our feelings for each other
L- we'll talk about it later but we should get down back to the guys
*they go down and they see on the kitchen counter flowers and a little sign asking to go on a date*
P- aww Andrew you made this for Lexi
L- already asking for another date
An- I didn't I just came in and saw it
L- wait so if you didn't make it then-
Br- hey guys
LR- then Brent did this?
Br- did what?
B- that *point to the kitchen counter*
Br- what no?
P- aww mann I thought you were asking me out on date
D- that sucks
J- real
Br- I'm kidding yea I did that
P- aww brent
Br- soooo
P- yes I'll go on a date with you *hugs him*
Br- see Andrew you gotta learn from me
P- the flowers smell amazing
Br- I know I picked them out
P- yea yea anyways thank you for the flowers
Br- you're welcome beautiful
P- *blushes*
L+LR- awwww
J- andrew you taking notes on what to do
An- alr now shut up me and Lexi's date went good
Br- really
P- there was a-
Br- alr now don't tell her to shut up
P- yea you meanies
Br- okay so what happened
P- there was a kiss after the date lexi told me
Br- you two are so scared to tell me there was a kiss
An- you've been against me and Lexi being together for the longest time
P- real but you shouldn't be scared he won't do anything he's a big softie
Br- am not
P- Brent don't even try to cover it up we all know you're a softie
L- he's only like that cause of you
All but Br and P- yea
P- I know he has a huge soft spot for me
Br- right
P- heyyy
Br- I'm kidding
P- so where are we going for our date is it a fancy date orrrr
Br- it's a surprise
P- I hate surprises
Br- right
LR- Andrew you taking notes
An- not you too
LR- sorry
An- it's okay beautiful
LR- *blushes*
L- he's taking notes
P- obviously cause brent is a good boyfriend
Br- really
P- yes you are you dummy *kisses him*
D- alr now I feel single
L- me too
J- we really need to get into relationships
B- I feel single when I'm not single
LR- then why don't you bring Hannah around
B- idk you're my ex and like wouldn't be weird
LR- no way
P- yea Ben bring Hannah over I wanna meet her
Br- she's really pr-
P- excuse me?
All but Br and P- ooooo
Br- she's pretty awesome
P- that's what I thought
B- nah brent stop lying finish what you were gonna say
Br- that was what I was gonna say
P- oh I thought you were about to say she's pretty
Br- eh she's pretty but she's not my type
P- then who's your type
Br- brunette an inch shorter then me really pretty eyes also really beautiful and her name is pierson
P- *blushes* awww
L- Andrew who's your type
An- why are you guys attacking me I thought we were talking about Ben and his girlfriend
P- we were
Br- Ben invite her over if you want to
B- you won't get mad?
P- you're good Ben invite her over he's too busy paying attention to me to care
B- okay then
*ben invites his girlfriend over*
B- I'll be back shes here
*ben gets the door*
Br- hey Hannah nice to see you again
P- excuse me?
Br- pier I have to greet her
P- right
Br- is that jealousy I smell
P- shut up
Br- she's literally dating Ben
P- I know
Br- and I'm dating you soooo
P- soooo what
Br- I don't like her
H- (Hannah) who's that
Br- this is pierson she's livs best friend and my girlfriend
H- hi pierson nice to meet you
P- hi Hannah
L- I feel like I'm fifth wheeling
D+J- same
P- hey it was Brent's idea to let Ben invite her
L- I kinda regret encouraging him to invite Hannah I feel so lonely
P- you'll find someone
L- right
P- what
L- not that easy I mean for you it was easy you basically fell for my friend and Lexi's older brother so
P- no one said it was terrible of me to
L- I'm saying it like that I mean you found someone who likes you soooo much so easily
P- okay well I didn't find him that easily if I do recall I dont like to Socialize with anyone
Br- you do
LR- that's cause of you brent
P- I mean you're kinda right
H- so what's new with you guys besides you guys getting a new member
P- ooo lexi and Andrew went on a date
H- they did took them long enough
L- and they kissed after the date
H- so Andrew is finally taking notes
J- only cause of brent
H- really brent? are we talking about brent who's a player and can possibly talking to other girls as he's hanging out with his girlfriend
P- we are definitely not talking about the same brent
D- he changed
B- like a lot
L- a little too much
P- he stopped cheating I know this cause I've checked his phone so many times and I'm basically on his phone 24/7
Br- even though you have your own phone
P- I know but it's fun to steal your phone
Br- why do you even take my phone
P- idk I take pictures most of the time anyways Andrew is taking notes cause brent does all these things for me
H- like what
P- well he got us matching pjs and he got me a necklace he also buys all my stuff when I have my own money he holds my bags he got my a dog he's somewhere around here and just now he had a whole sigh and flowers asking me on a date
H- awww that's cute
LR- see he's changed only for Pierson tho
Br- okay well to be fair I had a crush on her the second I saw her when liv brought her over
B- really
Br- yea when I first saw her I was just idk I can't explain it
P- no explain
Br- I felt lucky
L+LR- why?
Br- cause have you seen pierson she's so beautiful so I felt lucky cause how can someone that beautiful walk into my house
P- *blushes* aww Brent that's so sweet
H- Ben why can't you be like brent
B- hey I'm way better then brent I mean he was a player I was never a player
H- eh fair point
J- brent just seems better cause he does this only for Pierson
Br- Jeremy she's my girlfriend
D- so
Br- what do you want me to ask you out on a date
P- *giggles*
Br- oh another reason why I crushed on pierson the first time we met cause cause of her laugh and giggle it's really cute
P- okay stop
Br- what
P- why am I just now hearing about this
Br- well I mean you asked me to explain why I had a crush on you from the start so
P- true
H- wait what did pierson think of brent
P- uhmmm
LR- ooo it's definitely something juicy if she said uhmmm
P- I thought he was cute I didn't pay much attention to him till the second day I came over
Br- I remember that day
L- what happened that day
P- well I was upstairs cause I'm guessing someone was in the bathroom down here and I was stopped by brent and he called me pretty I think I don't remember and then I started calling him pet names cause why not also for him to get the hint that I liked him
L- did he ever get the hint
P- nope
Br- okay well I didn't know it was a hint
P- dude when have I every called someone else in this group sweetie or sweetheart or my love be so for real
Br- okay well I didn't know that at the time
P- he didn't know till a couple days later
B- when did you two start dating
P- that day he was flirting with that girl at the beach
J- wasn't her name Luna or something
D- her name was Luna I should've gotten her number
P- we don't speak of her
H- is that jealousy I'm seeing
P- yea cause while I was sooo into brent he was sooo into that girl and I got jealous cause well for starters he's my boyfriend or whatever we were back then
Br- we were talking stages
P- no we weren't we were dating
Br- not at that time
P- I say dating cause we did so much stuff that was a little too coupley
*skipping to a bit later*
An- we should go to the beach
LR- I'm down
Br- you guys can go
B- you're not coming
Br- dude are you serious
L- brent has a date with pierson
H- Ben come on now catch up
B- sorry sorry
P- where are we going
Br- it a surprise pier
P- but I hate surprises
Br- didnt we already go through this
P- so
Br- okay well just wear whatever you want cause either way you'll look beautiful
LR+L+H- awwww
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story sorry it took me a while to post i have no clue why it took me this long lol but i hope you like this part if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for later chapters let me know!!!

Word count: 1830

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