Chapter 5

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*im just gonna skip to a month later pierson is more social with everyone and has a huge crush on Brent*
P- hey guys sorry I'm late
L- we're not really doing anything today so it really doesn't matter
P- really
LR- yea and have you seen your bf
P- my bf? who's my bf?
LR- Brent ofc
P- Lexi for the millionth time we're just friends *giggles*
L- where is Brent anyways
P- how am I supposed to know I just got here!
Br- I'm right here
LR- he just appeared the second he heard his gf
Br- she's not my gf Lexi *rolls his eyes*
L- anyways the guys are waiting for us
Br- okay let's go then
*the four of them go to the living room*
P- hey guys
All- hey
Br- what are we doing today
B- nothing much already filmed and made TikTok's and stuff
Br- that's good so it's just a chill day
D- yea I guess so
LR- guys we should go on a trip sometimes
L- omggg yes and it could be our first trip with pierson
Br- what place are you two thinking about?
P- oh jeez my ears
LR- sorry
Br- I can possibly see if we can go on a trip sometime
B- we should go to the beach guys
All- sure
*they get changed and go to the beach*
LR- we should prank Brent
P- how?
L- I'm down
LR- I mean he's just sitting there so we should just splash him with water
P- I'm down
*with brent*
Brents POV
We get to the beach and the girls just left they're probably having a sort of girl talk or whatever but I kinda wanted pierson to stay since we haven't talked much but maybe when i plan this trip lexi and liv want to go on i can try to get pierson alone so me and her can talk
End of pov
L- okay you guys ready
LR+P- yup
*Liv starts to count down and the second she gets to 3 Lexi and Pierson dump water all over brent*
Br- dude I'm literally soaked
P- *giggles* oh call down you'll dry
Br- how would you feel if this happened to you pierson
P- okay drop the attitude and second i would laugh because it's funny
Br- *mumbles* sorry for having a attitude with you
L- omg he can actually apologize for thing
LR- whattt
P- *giggles* you just go called out brent
Br- yea yea
*skipping to later on*
LR- we should have a movie night
All but LR- sure
*they pick a romcom movie*
P- I loveeee romcom movies they're so funny but super cute
Br- I love romcom movies tooo
P- are you lying again
Br- what noooo
P- lierrr
Br- am not
P- righttt *looks at him in the eyes and smiles*
Br- *looks in her eyes and starts to smile and blush*
LR- okay love bird
P- *breaks the eye contact* were not a couple
L- you two surely act like a couple
Hope you guys enjoyed chapter five of my book!!
Word count: 532

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