Chapter 28

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*skipping to the next day*
Br- good morning
P- good morning my love what are we doing today
Br- I have zero clue but I think we have to film and that's it
P- okay well I'm gonna get ready
Br- okay I'll be on my phone
P- okay
*pierson goes and gets ready*
P- brent do you think I look good
Br- you look beautiful pier
P- *blushes* you think so I mean the outfit is pretty basic-
Br- so even if it's basic you still look beautiful
P- yea yea now you go get ready
Br- I will
*brent gets ready*
P- hey we're matching
Br- oh yea we are
P- can we go get coffee-
*the door bell rings*
Br- I think that's the group
P- oh yea
*they go downstairs and open the door*
Br+P- hey guys
All but br and p- heyyy
Br- come in and just get ready to film me and pierson will be back we're gonna go get coffee
All but br and p- okay
*brent and Pierson leave*
L- do you think brent will let me invite a friend after filming
LR- are you trying to get more girls in the group
L- nooo I just haven't hung out with her for a while and we planned on hanging out but it never happens
An- I'm sure he wouldn't mind
*skipping to when brent and Pierson come back*
P- hey guyssss we're back
Br- she's more energetic now that she has coffee
P- leave me alone it's my coffee
Br- that I paid for
P- well you never let me pay for anything
Br- true anyways what are we filming today
LR- I think something for amp
L- oh brent I have a question
Br- what's up
L- can my friend Lauren can come over after filming
Br- sure
L- thanks
Br- no problem now let's start filming
*they film and livs friend gets to Brent's house*
La- *lauren* hey liv
L- Lauren you made it come in
La- nice house
L- it's not mine it's owned by one of my friends
La- ooo nice
L- yea anyways I have to introduce you to everyone
*they go to the living room*
L- where's Pierson
Br- she said her brother Logan needed help with something
L- okay well this is Lauren
All but L and La- hey Lauren
L- that's Brent and his sister Lexi and that's Andrew, Ben, Jeremy and dom
La- nice to meet you guys
L- you'll meet pierson later or now
Br- she said it might take a while so let's hope she gets here
*skipping to a bit later pierson isn't back yet*
LR- so Lauren how long have you and liv known each other
La- for a couple of years now and I don't wanna sound weird or whatever but youre brother brent is cute
La- what-
*just then pierson walked in*
P- hey guys I'm back sorry it took long
Br- took you long enough
P- you're so mean
Br- whatever
P- you're being mean
Br- sorry
La- I'm gonna go see if he's single
L- oh you're js gonna- okay
La- hey I'm Lauren I'm guessing you're Pierson
P- oh hey Lauren nice to meet you I'm guessing you're livs friend
La- yea
LR- pierson get over here
P- fine I can even talk to my boyfriend for two seconds jeez
L- you hang out with him more then anyone
*pierson and Lauren go over to liv and lexi*
La- wait who's you're boyfriend
P- oh-
L+LR- don't worry about it
P- okay that was rude
*skipping to a bit later Lauren tries to flirt and stuff with Brent*
La- hey brent
Br- hey Lauren
La- so you single
Br- nope
La- really
Br- yea
La- so you're taken by me we haven't even known each other for that long and you're already claiming we're together
Br- what? I'm not saying that I'm saying I've been dating this girl for a while
La- who-
P- hi my love
Br- hey babe
La- *her mind: who does she think she is trying to ruin my chance with Brent* hey Pierson we're kinda in the middle of a conversation
P- oh sorry I'll go talk to Lexi
*pierson goes to Lexi*
P- lexi im getting a bad feeling from Lauren
L- what
LR- why
P- she's flirting with Brent and told me that they're having a conversation or whatever
LR- you know brent won't do anything back now let me make my announcement
P- what announcement-
P- oh okay then 
*everyone gathers in the living room*
P- *sits next to brent*
Br- hey I feel like I haven't seen you all day
P- I know but I'm here now
La- anyways brent you never told me who your girlfriend is
Br- oh Piersons my girlfriend
La- Piersons you're girlfriend
Br- yea?
La- you gotta be joking
P- why would he be joking?
Br- yea Lauren why would I be-
*liv was in the bathroom btw but she came back*
L- hey brent can Lauren join our group I miss hanging out with her
P- NO-
Br- pier
P- what do you like her or something?
Br- we'll be back
*they go to the guest room*
Br- I don't like her but liv is you're friend how would you feel is something said they didn't want you apart of the group
P- I guess I'd be upset
Br- so please just don't be rude
P- fine
Br- thank you now let's go
P- okay
*they go back out to the others*
L- so?
Br- fine yes she can join the group
P- okay liv he's still my boyfriend-
Br- *nudges her* be nice the jealousy is showing
P- shut up
Br- I love you too
P- *blushes*
L- I gotta go tell Lauren and everyone else that she's apart of the group
P- do we have to go with the others
Br- where do you wanna go
P- I wanna go to the beach or something just don't wanna be at home
Br- it's a little late for the beach don't you think
P- yea I guess
Br- let's just go with the rest
P- okay
*they go to the rest*
La- pierson did you hear brent let me be apart of the group
P- yea I heard
La- thanks so much brent *goes for a hug*
Br- *backs away* you're welcome
La- do you not like hugs
Br- not much of a hugger
L- lier
Br- what
L- you're always hugging Pierson
Br- well she's my girlfriend and I like her hugs
LR- look at brent bring a softie
Br- her hugs just give me comfort
P- *blushes*
An- can we just watch a damn movie
P- oh yea I forgot Lexi wanted to watch a movie
LR- I didn't I just wanted to see all this drama between you and Lauren
P- what drama
LR- well you're Brent's girlfriend soooo
Br- she has a point
J- awww man I wanted to watch a movie
P- movie night it is then ima go changed into some pjs
Br- me too
P- copy cat
Br- whatever
*they go change into their matching pjs*
Br- look now I'm actually your copy cat
P- yea yea
LR- how many times are you two gonna remind us that we're single
P- *giggles* if you open your eyes Andrew wants you lex
P- awwww look at you two
Br- pierson don't say that stuff
P- brent come on you can see it too they like each other
LR- I don't
An- yea me and Lexi are friends
L- isn't that what brent and Pierson used to say and now look at them
P- okay hey we said that to hide the fact that we were together we just didn't wanna tell you
Br- I'm glad we told them
P- really why
Br- cause I can do this *kisses her*
La- *rolls her eyes*
LR- alright break it up you two
L- get a room
P- *laughs* were not even that affectionate in front of you guys
All but p and Br- LIES
Br- how are we together in front of you two
LR- well you two cuddle make TikTok's together brent you have your arms around her all the time and you loveeee to kiss her and hug her and tell how beautiful she is-
P- actually he only called me beautiful once today and that was before you guys came over
Br- only once
P- yup
Br- okay well you're beautiful
P- okay now twice
L- I feel like Brent's every girls dream guy
LR- why and how?
L- dude he compliments pierson all the time without her asking he holds her bags when they go to the mall he pays for all her stuff for her and he does so much more I can't even name
P- he's totally in love with me
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story let me know if you guys have any suggestions for next chapter!!

Word count: 1535

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