Chapter 23

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*skipping to the next day also the day before Piersons birthday*
Br- okay guys so you know the plan
LR- yea you're taking her to Disneyland and come back tomorrow to surprise her with a huge party with her friends
Br- yes
An- is this why she isn't here
Br- she'll be here in-
*the door bell ring*
Br- she's here
LR- wait where do we hide all of this
Br- just stash it now!!
*they group starts hiding the decorations*
Br- *opens the door* hey
P- hi what took so long for you to answer the door?
Br- oh uhmmm
P- what's going on
Br- nothing just come in
P- okay..?
*pierson goes in*
P- are we just gonna stand here
Br- well I have a surprise for you
P- okay what's the surprise
Br- we're going to Disneyland
Br- no I'm not we're going to Disneyland
P- *hugs him* omggg brent
Br- we're leaving soon
P- when are we leaving
Br- in an hour-
LR- hey pierson
P- when did you get here
LR- I've been here for a while
P- oh okay
Br- everyone good?
LR- yea
P- wait the whole group is here
Br- yea
P- and you just didn't wanna invite me
LR- wait no pierson that's not-
P- you know what if you really didn't want me to be here then just say that
*and with that pierson leaves with tears in her eyes*
Br- wait-
LR- just give her a minute
*they go back to the group*
An- so she seems upset
Br- I need to go check on her-
L- just give her a minute
Br- no way
LR- brent-
Br- I'm not listening to any of you I'm going to go check on her
*brent leaves*
LR- he's so stupid
An- I get why he's not listening he cares about her
J- true
L- yea but he doesn't know pierson like I know her-
An- I kinda wanna disagree
L- excuse me?
An- I mean they've been together for a while now he definitely knows her better then anyone
L- but I've known her longer
D- just cause you've known her longer doesn't mean you know her like that
L- still
*with Brent*
Br- *knocking on piersons door*
P- *opens the door* what do you want
Br- I'm sorry
P- I don't wanna hear it *closes the door*
Br- pierson just listen
P- fine
Br- I didn't mean to make you feel like we didn't want you around I promise I'm just talking to them about you're birthday I would never exclude you I love you
P- doesnt seem like it
Br- Pierson I promise you i would never do that I only ever want to be around you
P- *blushes a bit* you're such a lier
Br- oh my gosh Pierson
P- what
Br- I love you don't you know this
P- whatever-
Br- *kisses her* I'm sorry-
*pierson doesn't even let him finish what he was saying wraps her arms around his neck and crashes her lips to his they obviously start to make out lol but after a couple minutes they let go*
Br- you gonna let me finish?
P- yea sorry
Br- anyways I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me
P- *hugs him* I forgive you
Br- good now let's go back to my house so we can hang out with the group before we go
P- okay
*they get back to Brent's house*
Br- we're back
LR- so we're good
P- yes we're good
Br- hey pierson I know you wanna stay and talk but we gotta go
P- oh yeaaa I'll see you guys later-
Br- tomorrow we'll see you tomorrow
LR- okayy
P- wait what do you mean tomorrow?
Br- we're staying at the hotels over there tonight
P- you're joking
Br- no I'm not
P- brent this is too much
Br- it's fine
P- if you say so
L- you guys should get going
Br- right let's go
*they leave*
LR- okay we can finally start decorating for her party
*with brierson*
P- wait I didn't bring any clothes how am-
Br- don't worry I packed stuff
P- oh okay
*they get to Disneyland and go to their hotel*
P- brent the view is amazing
Br- *looking at her* the view is so beautiful
P- *looks at brent* brent not me the sky dummy
Br- but I'm already looking at the best view
P- *blushes* shut up
Br- nope
P- can we go nowwww
Br- yes we can
*they go to the Disney park or wtv they call it lol*
P- which ride should we go on first
Br- before we go on any rides I have to go to the bathroom
P- brenttt
Br- I'll be quick I promise
*as brent went to the bathroom a random guy goes up to pierson and flirts with her*
RG- hey
P- oh hi?
RG- what are you doing
P- just waiting for someone
RG- what's your name
P- pierson what's yours
RG- Alex
P- nice to meet you Alex
A- nice to meet you pierson anyways you're so pretty
P- thanks
A- you're beautiful
P- thanks again
A- yk we would look good together
P- oh uhmmm awkward
A- how?
P- uhmmm
*brent finally comes out of the bathroom*
Br- *notices the guy*
A- what we would tho
P- about that-
Br- *wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her* hey beautiful sorry it took long
P- *blushes* it's fine
A- who are you
P- well before he cut me I was gonna say I have a boyfriend
A- oh but wouldn't you rather hang out with me
P- no thanks I mean thank you for the offer but I'd rather be with my boyfriend
Br- you ready to go
P- yes I've been dying to get on the rides
*they walk away from Alex and now I'm js gonna skip to when they get back to their hotel room*
P- today was so much fun
Br- everyday is fun when I'm with you
P- *turns red* oh
Br- you're so red
P- shut up
Br- are you mad that I got you all flustered
P- leave me alone
Br- yea yea
P- anyways I'm gonna go brush my teeth- omg you brought our matching pjs
Br- yea
P- look at you being all cute
Br- *blushes*
P- look at the one blushing
Br- yea yea
*pierson goes to brush her teeth and brent realizes she's taking a little too long in there*
Br- *opens the bathroom door* hey is everything okay?
P- I'm taking mirror pics
Br- *wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek*
P- *takes the picture* I have proof that you're a softie now
Br- whatever
P- are you gonna let go of my waist
Br- no
P- why
Br- cause I like having you in my arms
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story and next chapter will be piersons birthday btw!! If you guys have any suggestions for chapters let me know!!!

Word count: 1189

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