Chapter 9

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*im just gonna skip to like a year later brent and pierson have gotten even more closer and flirty*
P- hey guys sorry I'm late
L- you literally live two minutes away from Brent's and you're always late
P- I went to go get Starbucks
Br- hey pierson
P- I brent *hugs him*
L- brierson
Br- *rolls his eyes*
LR- my sis in law is here
P- lexi I'm not your sis in law
Br- yea lexi
LR- well brent maybe if you made a move then she'd be my sis in law
P- *giggles*
Br- can we just get what we have to do done please
L+LR- fine
P- see you later my love
Br- yea yea
P- oh wow you don't blush anymore
Br- I got used to it
P- aww that's sad i love seeing you blush is cute
Br- yea yea
L- "just friends"
LR- doesn't seem like that tho?
P- shut up
*skipping to later*
*the group decided to go the beach*
LR- we should listen to some music
P- yesss
*they start playing music and some girl just comes up to them*
RG= random girl
RG- hey guys
Br- oh hey
L- omg your super pretty
RG- thanks so are you
L- what's your name
RG- my name Luna
Br- that's a really pretty name
P- *gets jealous*
Lu- *giggles* thank you..
Br- brent sorry my name is Brent
Lu- thank you brent
LR- looks like someone is jealous
P- I'm not jealous
An- you sure
P- I'm sure plus me and him are and will forever just be friends...
Br- hey guys this is Luna
P- hi it's nice to meet you I'm Pierson
Lu- nice to meet you Pierson
*skipping to later*
B- so Brent what do you think of Luna
Br- she's pretty cute
D- what about Pierson?
Br- we're just friends
An- are you hearing yourself
Br- yea?
An- she literally gives you pet names
B- that's true
D- she literally calls you sweetie, sweetheart, my love, handsome
An- and she calls you cute and always says that it's cute when you're all flustered and blushing
Br- we're just friends
L- she's literally jealous of Luna
Br- why?
Lu- is everything okay?
Br- everything is perfect
P- what's with the yelling? are you okay lex?
LR- ughh everything "perfect" like Luna said
*as they were talking From The Start by Laufey starts playing ygs I love this song sm*
P+Lu- omg I love this song
Br- me too
L- aww look at brent trying to impress pierson for the millionth time
Br- what?
P- you sure he isn't trying to impress Luna *rolls her eyes*
LR- ooo jealous pierson is coming out *laughs*
L- oh well that happened...
P- I think I should take a walk sorry Lexi *walks off*
Lu- what's her problem
LR- you
Lu- what?
LR- you're all up on her little lover boy and her stupid lover boy is blind that she's jealous and that she likes him
Br- I'm not her lover boy
L- dude she gives you pet names, you two flirt 24/7, and not to mention all the kissing you two did a year ago on our trip to Paris
Br- *mumbles* she doesn't like me
Lu- omg I didn't know she liked him I would've totally backed off
An- brent go get your girl
Br- she doesn't like me what's the point-
All but br- GO GET HER
*brent goes to fine pierson*
Br- pierson!
P- what?
Br- I'm sorry
P- for what?
Br- not noticing that you were jealous or that you even like me-
P- brent you know I like you, you've literally known this since last year
Br- I know I'm sorry I just thought we were gonna be friends forever
P- well how can we even be together if you go off and flirt with other girls...
Br- you're right I need to stop doing that
P- you really should
Br- I will i promise I'll change I'd do anything to be with you
P- really?
Br- yes I think you are my one in a million
I'm just gonna leave this on a sort of cliffhanger lol
Anyways I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated I've been so busy on putting my mental health first and just taking a break but I hope you guys like this chapter of my book!

Word count: 772

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