Chapter 6

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*im just gonna skip to the next day*
Br- okay guys I have some news
LR- spill
L- are you and pierson a thing
P- noooo
Br- anyways i have booked our trip for Paris we leave in two weeks
L- sorry perison
P- it's fine just don't scream so much
Br- you guys should start packing
P- right
*skipping to a week later*
Br- we leave in a week guys I hope you are all packed and ready
B- I am
D- same
P- Liv had to call me last night asking what she should bring
L- I have too much cute clothes okay
LR- samee
L- and weren't you still packing pierson
P- no I finished last week
L- what how? You have a lot of cute clothes to choose from
P- they're not that cute
LR- yes they areeee
*skipping to when they go to pierson*
Br- okay guys the rooms are Lexi, liv and pierson, Ben and Andrew and dom and I get my own room
LR- oh noo Brent you should share a room with pierson
L- yea we'll be too crowded *smirks*
P- drop the smirk you weirdo
LR- Brent you have to share with pierson
Br- why
L- just do it
Br- fine just so you two will shut up
L+LR- was that so hard brentttt
P- you guys are so weird
L- sure we are anyways let's go to our rooms
*they get into their rooms*
*with brierson*
P- hey if you don't feel comfortable with me staying here i can always go back to Lexi and liv
Br- no it's fine
P- you sure my love
Br- *blushes* yea I'm sure
P- *smiles* why are you blushing
Br- i guess i like when you call me 'my love'
P- see the pet names are cute
Br- yea yea
P- Brent i have a question
Br- what's up
P- do you still have a crush on me
Br- yea.. why would you ask that
P- I don't know you've been distant with me
Br- oh I'm sorry
P- it's fine I just thought you stopped talking to me cause you didn't like me
Br- what nooo of course not
P- okay
Br- we should put our stuff away
P- we should
*they put their stuff away and pierson goes to the bathroom and takes mirror pictures*
Br- hay what are you doing
P- taking pictures why?
Br- can I join
P- of course
*they start taking funny pictures but then Brent tries to make a move*
Br- *puts his arms around her waist*
P- *blushes* what are you doing
Br- making a move
P- are you sure that's gonna work on me?
Br- your blushing
P- am not
Br- I saw you blush
P- okay maybe I did blush
Br- I'm right
P- I'll make you blush
Br- oh yeah
P- yeah
Br- how are you-
P- *kisses him*
Br- kisses back*
*after a while they pull off*
Br- *blushes*
P- see your blushing so much you're as red as a tomato
Br- you can't do that
P- do what
Br- just kiss me and make fun of me
P- I'm sorry it's just cute when you're all flustered
Br- I think you have a soft spot for me
P- I think you have a soft spot for me my love
Hey guys hope you guys like this chapter to my story.
Also should I make Brent and Pierson flirt through out the pairs trip they're taking with the rest of the group?
Let me knowww
Anyways it's my dog's birthday today he's getting older
But I hope you like this chapter

Word count:620

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