Chapter 18

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L- okay not gonna lie though it's kinda cute
LR- ehhh
B- no it's not
J- most awkward I've seen
D- we should give them space
L- lexi you can't be hating you've been wanting them to be together for so long
LR- I know but like it's my best friend and my brother I never thought it would be weird
Br- we're not together
P- yea you weirdos
An- yea right anyways it's getting late we should head home
LR- I don't wanna third wheel them again
P- *laughs*
*they get home as they were driving home the song Willow by Taylor swift (if you haven't heard it then you must listen to it the song is soooo cute)*
P- I love this song
L- isn't this song about romance or sum
P- yesss and it's so cute
LR- ofc you think it's cute
*the lyrics "I'm begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans that's my man" play and pierson had shocked lexi and live (the guys when in their own cars besides br and p)*
P- guysss my man needs to wreck my plans
LR- who's your name
Br- someone
L- istg js come clean already
LR- you guys are dating js admit it
P- fine we're dating
Br- we've been dating for six months
P- what
L- you've been together for six months and we even notice
P- we were really good at hiding it
Br- but js one thing don't tell the fans we don't want them ruining the relationship
Hey guys I know this chapter is really short and I'm so so so sorry but it's super late rn and Im so busy with student council and then studying for my permit and like so much other things I'll try to update tomorrow

Word count: 307

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