Chapter 36

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*skipping to a month since brierson broke up but everything is going good the group isn't mad at him and pierson and him are on good terms*
LR- have you guys seen brent
All but LR- no
L- he's probably running an errand
La- maybe when he gets back I'll ask him out on a date
P- *gets jealous* you're already trying to ask him on a date when it's been a month since me and him broke up
LR+An- oooo
L- someone's jealous
P- I'm not I'm just saying me and brent were talking and stuff and he doesn't know how he feels and Lauren doing all of this isn't making it better and he needs time to move on
La- why cause you think you were an amazing girlfriend
J+D- she was
B- I mean I can't say anything I have my own girlfriend but she was good to brent
LR- I'm still upset about it-
*brent walks inside the house*
Br- hey guys sorry I was running an errand I also went to go get coffee I was going to get you guys something but I don't know your orders
LR- why do you have two cups of coffee if-
Br- well I kinda only know piersons order and knowing she most likely didn't have coffee this morning I got her a coffee
P- aww that's nice of you brent caring for your ex
La- soooo brent
Br- yea and istg if you try to kiss me I think I might cry
P- *laughs*
La- anyways I was thinking we could go on a date sometime
Br- well ummm it's only been a month since my last relationship ended and I'm not ready to be with another person
LR- why?
Br- my last relationship was amazing till SOMEONE ruined it but I'm not gonna point fingers
La- so what next month good for you-
Br- how about never cause I would never go out with a girl who likes to ruin others relationships especially when it's healthy and fun and amazing
La- so you wouldn't want to go on a date
Br- nope I dislike you so much the only reason why I'm not kicking you out is cause your livs friend
*skipping to a bit later the girls went to go talk*
L- so how are you and Brent
P- we're friends
LR- you don't miss him
La- took her long enough to move on
P- I miss him..
L- aww it's okay
P- no it's not
LR- why isn't it okay
P- *starts crying* I miss everything about him how he used to care so much about me and how much he loved me I can't even look at the dog he got me without tearing up he was and is the best guy I've ever met I don't want to be his friend
Br- *walks up to his room* hey guys- Pierson what's wrong
P- *wipes her tears* it's nothing
LR- we're gonna go downstairs
*lexi liv and Lauren go downstairs*
Br- hey what's wrong
P- i miss you
Br- I miss you too but I know you don't trust me
P- brent I do trust you but we can't be together
Br- why
P- Lauren she will do everything in her power to break us up
Br- pierson
P- what
Br- why don't we start over
P- what?
Br- talking stage
P- I don't want that
Br- so you wanna stay friends
P- no I want to be your girlfriend but I don't want Lauren to do anything
Br- pierson
P- yes
Br- will you be my girlfriend
P- brent
Br- I promise no one will get in the way of our relationship
P- brent-
Br- we don't have to tell anyone
P- so we're keeping it a secret
Br- if you want to
P- I don't want that
Br- if you want to be my girlfriend then be my girlfriend
P- fine
Br- so you agree
P- fine yes I'm your girlfriend again
Br- finally you said yes
P- are you that desperate
Br- I just wanted my favorite girl back
P- *blushes* oh here we go
Br- what
*lexi walks in*
LR- we're going to the beach
P+Br- okay
*they go down and head to the beach*
Br- so if your my girlfriend then why don't we prove it
All but Br and P- GIRLFRIEND?!?!
P- fine *kisses him*
P- *smiles* shut uppp
LR- did you guys finally make up
P- all it took was for me to start crying like a baby
Br- so you sleeping over
P- how about I move int
P- brent can I move it
All but Br, P and La- awwww
La- are you serious
Br- omg
L- Lauren every since you joined our group you've been so rude I'm sorry but I don't want to be friends with someone like that and who also ruins others relationships so shut up we're no longer friends
Br- Lauren you're out of the group sorry-
P- sorry not sorry!!
La- what-
LR- bye bye
*the group leaves Lauren in shock*
An- finally we got rid of her she was annoying
J+D+B- real
LR- just to be clear you guys have been together for what an hour
P- we've been together for seven months
Br- pier that isn't how-
P- no I don't want to lose the progress we had
Br- fine we've been together for seven months this months will be the eighth month
LR- you guys are so close to year
An- which means brent gotta propose
P- omg yay
L- aww imagine your kids
Br- woah there I'm not proposing when we hit a year
P- why?
Br- because I would want it to be special
P- like what taking all of us to Paris you're gonna get the exact hotel room we got the first time we went and then we're all gonna go to a fancy restaurant and then we're gonna go the Eiffel Tower and your gonna get down on one knee and tell me how much you loved me and remind me of the first time we went here together and you tired to ask me out and then your gonna ask me to marry you
Br- ...
All- *laughs*
*skipping to when everyone goes home and it's just brent and Pierson*
Br- I missed this
P- me too my love
Br- I missed the pet names
P- aww
Br- I missed the matching pjs
P- me too i miss snoopy having a father
Br- pier it's a dog it's parents are dogs-
P- I'm his mom and your his dad I don't wanna hear it
Br- what is he our practice child
P- of course plus if we do have kids snoopy will be their childhood dog
Br- that would be cute
P- yea it would *ywans*
Br- we should go to bed
P- agreed
*they turn off the lights*
P- good night my love
Br- good night future Mrs.Rivera
Hey guys I hope you liked this part to my story I had to talk about them possibly getting married cause why not lol but let me know if you have ideas or suggestions for future chapters!!

Word count: 1243

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