Chapter 33

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Bri- wait so brent isn't a player anymore
Bl- dang brent you actually got your act together
Br- I wasn't a player
LR+P- lier
Br- okay I know you're not agree with them
P- it's true dude remember that one time we went to the beach and you met some girl and was flirting with her
LR- her name was Luna
P- see even Lexi remembers
Br- it was one time and I apologized
P- still you're a player
Br- I'm not anymore
P- I know but yk you still were
BM- brent you're playing girls
BD- raised him right-
BM- you're sleeping on the couch tonight
BD- wait no it was a joke
BM- you had enough chances
P- brent you should sleep on the couch too for not admitting you're a player
Br- it's my house you sleep at tho
P- so?
Br- I don't wanna sleep on the couch tho
P- too bad so sad
Br- but-
P- no
LR- dangggg
Bri- imagine getting told to sleep on the couch
Bl- first it was dad now it's Brent
Br- I won't be sleeping on the couch don't worry
P- what's that supposed to mean
Br- don't worry about it
BD- what are you planning and how can I get from not sleeping on the couch
Br- I just planned a whole movie night for Pierson with her favorite snacks and all her favorite movies and well we were gonna wear our matching pjs but since I'm sleeping on the couch it can't happen
P- wait that's not fair brent you can't bribe me
Br- and I got snoopy a cute little matching outfit to match with us
P- fine you don't have to sleep on the couch
Br- see told you I wouldn't be sleeping on the couch
P- shut up
LR- can I join this movie night
Br- no way
LR- no fair mommm
BM- lexi leave them alone
Br- ha
BM- brent
Br- sorry mom
*skipping to when they leave*
Br- see dinner was good
P- yea I guess it was
Br- it went well you fit in more then I did the entire time
P- true that
Br- and you got along with everyone especially my brothers and all of you were calling me out for being a player
P- wellll
Br- we're not going back to this topic
P- right
Br- now how about we go enjoy our movie night
P- yesss
*they change and start watching movies*
Br- have you packed yet for Paris we leave in like a week
P- almost I just have to pack all my everyday stuff like my toothbrush and all that
Br- same
P- I know I can see your suitcase
Br- right
P- brent
Br- yea
P- when are you gonna propose
Br- pierson it's only been seven months
P- so you're saying that im not-
Br- don't even finish that sentence you're enough more then enough but it's only been seven months and they have been amazing I just don't wanna rush things cause I love you pierson I really really really love you
P- *kisses him* I love you too my love
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story sorry it took me a while to post I kinda have been js a bit lazy all day cause it's spring break anyways let me know if you guys have any ideas for future chapter or for next chapter!!!

Word count: 586

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