Chapter 27

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*skipping to when it's morning*
P- can we match outfits Brent
Br- sure babe
P- what did you just call me
Br- babe?
Br- it's seriously not-
P- shut up it so isss
Br- ok ok what are we gonna match in
P- I was thinking something comfy since I don't wanna dress up like that
Br- okay so we can wear sweats or pjs
P- can we do our spider man pjs
Br- sure
*they get changed and instead of wearing their black shirts with their pjs they wear white shirts instead*
P- hey guys
All- heyyy
L- where's Brent
P- upstairs doing something
LR- I can go get him-
Br- you didn't tell me they were here
P- *giggles* that's why I was calling you
Br- anyways hey guys
*skipping to a bit later*
An- guys I'm bored can we go out
L- I'm down where-
LR- yessss
Br- then we're going to the arcade
*they go to the arcade and the person or wtv that gives them their tokens to play games tries to flirt with Brent*
W- *worker* how can I help you guys
LR- can we like 60 tokens
W- okay that'll be 100$
LR- there's no way 60 tokens are that much-
Br- what's the problem lexi
LR- do you think 60 tokens are 100$
Br- no? That's like at least 30 dollars here I'll just pay for everyone it's just tokens
LR- okay
Br- hey can I get 60 tokens for each person in my friend group
W- you're pretty cute
Br- oh thanks I guess anyways how much will that be
W- it's free only if I can get youre number
Br- uhmmm I can just pay I don't really like giving my number out
LR- pierson go get your man
P- no I trust him not to be stupid
W- you're really not gonna get free tokens js cause you don't like giving out your number
Br- look if you can't help me then can you get someone else
W- fine I'll help you out or whatever
Br- thank you
*brent pays and goes back to the group*
Br- here's your tokens guy
P- hey where's mine?
Br- I have them
P- why don't you have your own tokens
Br- don't worry
LR- can we goooo
Br- you guys can gooo
LR- great let's go guys
All- okay
Br- me and Pierson are gonna go on our own
P- what-
Br- we have 120 tokens
P- never mind
*everyone else goes together to go play games*
P- what should we play first
Br- whatever you want pier
*skipping to a bit later*
P- omg we should play that basketball game and see who gets a higher score
Br- okay
*they play and pierson got a higher score*
Br- yea yea
P- you're just mad I beat you
Br- right
P- brent you're being mean now
Br- wanna go
P- sure I'm kinda hungry
Br- we can go to the mall across the street and find something to eat at the food court
P- sure we should go tell-
Br- they'll be fine
P- if you say so
*they walk to the mall*
Br- what do you wanna eat
P- can we get pizza
Br- sure
*they get pizza*
P- that was good
Br- yea
P- we should get back to the others
Br- they'll be okay we can go shopping if you want
P- really
Br- sure I don't really mind
P- okay let's go
*they go to a store and Piersons trying on different clothes*
P- okay what do you think about this dress
Br- wow...
P- what? Does it look bad-
Br- no nooo you look gorgeous
P- I think I'll get it
Br- here use my card to buy it
P- no it's fine-
Br- pierson trust me use my card
P- okay
*pierson changes out the dress and goes to change*
C- *cashier* you two are cute
P- thank you
C- you found a good one
P- I did he's amazing
C- not trying to hate but most boyfriends like that are usually cheating
P- oh he's not like that i actually had a terrible dream where he cheated and I woke up and me and him both know he wouldn't cheat but he let me go through his phone and it's always the same
C- really?
P- yea we've been dating for a while now I know his password and everything he never changes it
C- I'm guessing his password is something special
P- it's the day me and him started dating
C- aww cute anyways here's your receipt I just realized we've been talking for five minutes-
Br- hey is everything good
P- yea sorry
Br- it's fine I was just getting worried
C- everything's good we were just chatting
P- yea sorry
Br- it's okay you ready
P- yea
C- bye guys have a good day
Br+P- thank you
Br- here let me hold your bag
P- okay
Br- what other store do you wanna go to
P- well we've been to five different stores already
Br- I know
P- I'm pretty tired
Br- we can go back to the others if you want
P- we should
*they get back to the others*
Br- hey guys
LR- where were you two we've been ready to go for an hour
P- sorry he took me to the mall
L- anyways who's driving
Br- not me
An- why not
Br- cause I always drive us around
LR- fine I'll drive since no one-
Br- actually give me the keys I'd rather drive us around then get in a car wreck cause of Lexi
*they go home*
LR- what did you get pierson
P- just clothes and I got some perfume
LR- I wanna smell the perfume
P- sure
L- you can't really smell it
P- I got you BRENT
Br- yea?
P- *sprays her perfume on him* okay smell it now *passes the bottle to Lexi and liv*
Br- you called me over to spray perfume on me
P- there's nothing wrong with it and plus you and the guys decided to go get us food and-
L- she gotta make sure that everyone knows you have a girlfriend
P- exactly
Br- I'm not going with them tho
P- what?
Br- ben and Andrew went to go get us food they're just using my card to pay
P- ohhh
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story let me know if you guys have any suggestions or ideas for upcoming chapters!!

Word count: 1130

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