Chapter 40

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*skipping to the next day*
L- guyssss guess who's coming over
LR- oh liv not another friend Lauren was terrible
L- no dummy lexi is coming over
LR- lexi hensler
L- yessss
P- the one from my birthday party
L- yea her
P- I don't really know her but she's was really nice
Br- what are you guys talking about
L+LR- Lexi's coming over
Br- oh cool but for what
L- idk she said she misses us
Br- makes sense
LR- we have to go tell the guys
L- oh yea let's go
*liv and Lexi go downstairs to tell the guys*
Br- you okay
P- yea I kinda just feel a bit left out since I don't really know Lexi
Br- you'll get to know her better today
P- I hope so she sounds really nice
Br- she is
P- good to know
Br- we should go down before those weirdos think we're doing something
P- yea let's go
*they go down*
L- let's go get the door then dummy
*lexi and liv go get the door*
LH- (lexi H) hey guys I missed you all
All but P- hey Lexi
LH- hi pierson
P- hey Lexi
LH- we need to talk sometime I wanna get to know you and be your friend
P- we can talk whenever you want too
L- omg lexi did you know Andrew and Lexi went on a date
P- and they kissed after the date too
LR- it was a simple kiss nothing else
P- nothing else has happened besides that kiss on the beach that I didn't see cause I was on a date
LH- you and Brent broke up
P- well yea but we go back together and he took me on a date
LH- oh I thought I was going to have to talk some sense into him
P- no but seriously lexi he still hasn't asked you out on another date
LR- nope
L- omg
An- what?
P- why haven't you asked Lexi out on another date
An- I don't know
L- do we really need to bring brent back to give you notes
An- no-
Br- yea my love
P- did you know Andrew hasn't asked Lexi out on another date
Br- yea I know
LH- why tho
Br- I don't know but uhm lexi you might wanna go outside
LR- me or the other lexi
Br- you
LR- uhmm okay
*lexi goes outside and sees a cute little sign asking to go on a date with flowers all over the sign*
LR- omgggg this is so cute
An- soooo is that a yes
LR- yes Andrew I'll go on another date with you *hugs him*
*they go back inside*
P- you got roses from Andrew
LR- he asked me on another date
P- aww cute he took Brent's idea
Br- mine was better
An- mine had roses
Br- okay I got pierson her favorite flowers
An- so mine had roses and rose petals all over then
L- fight fight fight!!
LH- *laughs*
P+LR- guys stop
Br- at least it didn't take me almost a year to ask someone out
An- at least I wasn't a player
LR- Andrew you're taking it too far
P- they both took it too far
J- what did I just witness
D- an fight
B- I haven't seen brent or pierson fight so that's good
L- no you saw brent and Andrew fight
LH- who knows what will happen now
P- nothings gonna happen
LR- but you two have to apologize
Br- I'm not apologizing
P- well brent hon you did start it
LR- yea
Br- fine I'm sorry Andrew
An- I ain't sorry
An- what
LR- apologize because you also said some very mean things
An- he started it
LR- that doesn't mean you didn't say anything back cause you did now apologize or you can kiss our date goodbye
An- fine I'm sorry brent
LR- see was that so hard
An- no
P- it's harder on brent he's stubborn
Br- am not
P- you so are I don't even wanna hear it
Br- yea yea
Hey guys hope you like this part to my story i had to make this chapter a short since i have school and I gotta go to bed I would've written about Lexi and Andrew's date but that can wait for next chapter anyways if you have and ideas or suggestions for future chapters let me know!!!

Word count: 762

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