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I woke up from my phone ringing
"Hello?" I answered with my sleepy voice
"Good morning baby" Rob's voice greeted me
"I miss you, come and get me here I can't take it anymore" I complained, while I recall the party last night
"If only I could do that but I am in the middle of my class" Rob chuckled, I bolted up straight and checked the time at the clock it's already 8:30 in the morning
"Then why did you call? aren't phones not allow in class?" I asked him
"I am outside the room, I let them do an essay and besides that rule only apply to students" I could sense him smirking "and yes I miss you too" he added
"We are going to New Brunswick today" I informed Rob
"Yeah Travis told me, he called me last night after you went to bed" I wanted to tell Rob that I met his father and ask all about his family but I know there are some other time for it
"To be honest I don't want to go I hate John's secretary" I complained
"I know, that's why Travis volunteered to show you around I think he's there now" Rob said, I stood up and went to looked at the window, I saw Travis leaning at his range rover, he lifted his head and he waved at me
"Oh crap, yeah he's here Rob" I bit my lips, as I went back to grab my toiletries and towel
"Great you two take care okay?" He said
"Rob, can you please text me Travis number?" I asked him as I enter the bathroom
"Sure will do baby I love you" he said
"I love you too Rob, take care" then we hung up, a few seconds later I received Travis number, I texted him that I will be there within fifteen minutes. I choose to wear my denim shorts and shirt, far from the clothes I wore yesterday, after I take a bath I tried to fix my hair but I gave up so I just let it blow dry and hang it freely. I grabbed my things and went down, I was startled when someone called me. I turned around and saw Alexander Wright sitting at John's living room, dress causally with his shirt and denim short and a baseball cap he look so different from yesterday suit and tie outfit
"What are you doing here?" I asked him
"I told you we are going to New Brunswick" he replied
"Did I said yes?" I retorted back
"I am just doing what Atty. Reed said" he patiently answered
"Well you can go back to John and tell him that I am going with Travis" I turned around and went to the door. Travis smiled when he saw me as he opened his car.
"Wait Ms. Reed" Alex called from behind, I take a deep breath closing my eyes
"What?" I asked turning around
"Atty. Reed told me that I would be helping you finding a place, so please Ms Reed just go with me" he told me, I raised my eyebrows at him
"I told you – "
"You can come Alex" Travis said looking at him
"Are you sure?" I turned to Travis
"Yes Eli, if that's okay with him"
We both looked at Alex waiting for a reply, he looked at me and then sighed
"Alright I'll just make a phone call to Atty. Reed" he pulled his phone out
"No need, I will be the one doing that" I told him and called John. My grandfather agreed at least according to him Travis can help me choose since he knew about homes.
"Ok Mr. Wright you're good you can hopped on Travis car" I told him, he nodded and walked to the car then he stopped and face me
"For today Ms. Reed it's Alex" he said and entered the car taking the back seat. Travis and I looked at each other trying ourselves not to laugh.
"So Eli, what do you prefer. Off campus dorm or on campus?" Travis looked at the road ahead as he drives
"Actually, I like off campus but on campus is very tempting, you know I can try at my first semester and can transfer after that" then I turned to Travis
"During your college what did you prefer?" I asked him
"Rob and I was on campus the whole time but we got an apartment during the second semester of our junior year" he simply explained
"Hmm I never ask Rob about his opinion, never thought of it" I took a deep breath
"Because you guys have more important things to do" he howled and I shot him an icy cold stare for his innuendo, he just laugh it off then he took a deep breath turning his head a bit
"Off campus and On campus dorm have pros and cons, Rob and I enjoyed both" he smiled and looked at the road again
"Who's Rob?" Alex suddenly asked, I rolled my eyes Alex never miss a thing
"His best friend"
"Her boyfriend"
Both Travis and I said. We both looked at each other, shaking our heads
"So which is which? And I thought Mr. Brown is your boyfriend?" He asked us. Why does he care? Travis laughed as he looked at me first then I nodded
"Rob is my best friend and her boyfriend, so got the picture? She's dating my best friend" he simply said, we left the part about him being my teacher
"So all these time you are messing with me Ms. Reed?" He gasped, shaking his head
"First, it's Eli, second I can't help to mess with you. You're so formal, loosen up a bit Alex, breath in breath out" I told him looking at him at the back. He looked at me then he nodded
"So are you going to on-campus then?" Travis said
"Yeah, I wanted to try, having a roommate, trying university meals, you know the complete package of a university life" I smiled
"Oh, I thought you will be choosing off campus, since Rob would be coming back in New Jersey" I cupped my hand with my chin, Hmm I never thought about that
"Well, as if we are going to live together" I laugh
"I know Rob, and he's serious with you Eli, and him inviting you to live together is a possibility " he looked at me then he sighed "but I know that he wanted you to experience the full university life as well" he added. I looked out the window, living with Rob is so tempting but am I ready to take our relationship to the next level? I am sleeping at his house every now and then I know, but that is different, I don't have my things over there to begin with and what would be John's reaction when he found out I will be living with him at the start of my university life? He's not an idiot to connect the dots that we started dating when I am in high school. Sure being away in Hartsville will be far different from here, no one can know our history but then again our family is here, would they approve us like how Daisy accepted us? It does 't matter for me if they will approve us or not but it's kind of nice that people will not judge us. Then, I remembered his desire to be a professor and he mentioned he had heard from one of the universities he applied with, what if it's Rutgers? I shudder on that thought
"Hold on! How old is this Rob?" Alex suddenly asked, maybe he was thinking about it as he was listening to Travis and I conversation
"Twenty - six" I replied
"You're dating eight years your senior?" Alex gasped
"Is there a problem with that?" I looked at him with my eyebrows raised
"Of course it's not my business" he sighed, I nodded at him good!
Travis and I looked at one another again and we both smile, I am glad that Alex did not pry anymore because first it is annoying and second I am not comfortable sharing personal information such as my love life to someone I just met
"So Eli are you sure about living on campus?" Travis asked me, I nodded
"Okay good, will check the dorms but I wanted to show you one apartment near your school, consider it okay?" Travis said
"Yeah that will be great" I agreed with him

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