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"No one is being expelled today" he whispered as soon as John and Alex left

"And no one is getting fired today" I whispered back. I never felt so happy despite on what happened last night, everybody close and matters to me knows about Rob and I, at least I will not lie anymore to those people who matters most. My phone suddenly ring it is Missy I took and answer it

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello yourself, where are you? I thought you arrived yesterday?" Missy asked

"Oh, that" I bit my lips

"Don't deny it Linda Myers saw you in Mr. Bailey's room yesterday, then Mr. Bailey is not around...." Missy trail off  "Did you guys elope?" Her voice a little panic

"Jeez no Missy! Hold on!" I covered the mouth piece of my phone and turned to Rob "Is it okay Missy and Ash will come?" I asked

"Of course" he said and he pointed upstairs, I nodded and he went to stairs in to his office

"Missy both you and Ash come here at Rob's after class" I told her

"I knew it! You're both together! Okay will come see you!"  She screamed as if she won the lottery so I rolled my eyes

"But I wanted you to understand that something happened real bad" I gave them a head start so that if they will see how I look they will not be surprised

"Okay Eli will come after class" Missy seriously said then said her goodbye. I tap the end call button, and followed Rob upstairs.

"Hey" I peeked through the door, checking if I am allowed to get in, Rob nodded and call me to come in. 

"Busy?" I asked him as he stared at his laptop, he shake his head 

"Come I want to show you something" he said and he let me sit on his lap. 

I read the email in front of me, it was from Rutgers saying Rob was accepted. I don't know what I am going to feel about it, I can't face him. I thought after graduation and going to New Jersey is a fresh start for us. 

"I will not accept it" he said, I turned to looked at him

"I thought you wanted to be a professor?" Surprised on what he said

"Of course but looked at this" he move his mouse and clicked at another message from his email.  "Here read it" he said a little bit excited. I read the email again, then I turned at him he was already smiling 

"Remember when we are at Lake Hartwell? You asked about my applications? I already know that I got in Rutgers, but I am debating if I will be accepting it or not, I am running out of time so I decided after you come back from New Jersey I will be accepting it, and I think we're good in keeping it at school, outside school is different story" he chuckled and I smile agreeing with him at school we tried our best to ignore each other when we are around people, but once we are outside school doors we sometimes forget that we have boundaries.

"But next fall it would be different" I smile at him, he kiss me before replying

"Wow Princeton" I looked at the email again and I read again his appointment letter. He got accepted in Princeton and I never been proud and happy for him

"Yeah it will be for sure, but I need to review the dating policies" he chuckled

"Are you planning to date another student?" I snapped 

"Of course not! Princeton have a very strict policy in regards about that, I'll just want to check if professor of Princeton are allowed to date students from other universities " he laughed

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