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"Rob..." I moan as he continue to lick me, he licked me hard up and down and my back started to arched, as I can feel my orgasm coming in a few minutes now. Then he suddenly stops, I opened my eyes and looked down at him, and he was smirking
"What happened?" I asked him in between my breaths, but he just shake his head and pushed himself up and kiss me, I am little annoyed that he suddenly stopped, my denied orgasm made me want him more so I grabbed his face and crushed my lips in to his bitting it a bit, he traced his hands down and reached my breasts he continued to massage it and pinching my nipples then he started to lick it, my annoyance immediately vanished as I closed my eyes moaning he continued to suck my nipples as his fingers trail down my middle and inserted two fingers and started to pump me in and out as he alternately suck my left and right nipples he devoured my nipples as his fingers expertly play my middle. I started to feel the vibrations in my legs as my denied orgasm earlier is building up once more, I run my fingers through Rob's hair tugging it gently as my breathing begins to be uneven
"Oh..Rob" I moaned as my pelvic begins to rise and my toes begin to curl and then Rob pulled his fingers out of me and he stopped licking my nipples. My hips immediately went down and for the second time I opened my eyes feeling frustrated.
"What's wrong?" I complained not hiding my irritation and Rob just chuckle, I can feel how wet I am down there and Rob decided to stop again when I can feel my orgasm coming, I grabbed the pillow next to me and I throw it to him, he just laughed I pulled myself to sit but Rob pushed me on the bed then kissed me, I pulled away my face from him I don't know what game he is playing.
"Hey, do you trust me?" He asked me and bit at my lower lip
"NO!" I said rolling my eyes, but Rob just chuckled
"Trust me on this one okay?" He huskily said and then he kissed me, and he started to aroused me again, all my frustrations fades away as Rob knows the way of my body. He pleases me and I surrendered to his touch and caresses, he gently went down again and inserted his two fingers and started to lick my clit again, if I am wet earlier, I think I am more wet now. As he rhythmically slid his two fingers inside me, he started very sensual and very slow, his thumb started to drew circles on my clit, which are very sensitive right now
"Rob..." I moaned again as he started to fondle my clitoris. His tongue "dance" around it, then he licked it sideways then he alternately licked it up and down then sideways, then I can feel the intense tingling pleasure ready to spread through out my body, and once more my back arch and I grabbed the sheets at my side
"Oh...Rob.." I moaned leaning my head on the pillow, then it stops, for the third fucking time Rob stop. I opened my eyes looking at the ceiling, my breath heavy and my mind fuming
"Eli?" Rob called me
"Fuck you!" And my voice was low. He slide his way up to face me but I rolled to my back, what's wrong with him! He touched my waist and I yanked it away
"Don't touch me! I am going finish myself off if you can't do it for me!" I buried my face in the sheets. I never tried to touch myself, and never thought about it until now, so I pushed my body up, this will only take minutes as I can feel how wet I am down there, but Rob pulled me to the bed slamming my back, I was not able to catch my breath when he quickly slide himself in between my legs and held my wrist on the side pinning it on the bed.
"Ahh" I gasped when he quickly inserted his whole dick inside me without any warning, and started to thrust in and out of me real hard that my breasts started to bounce up and down and my bed begin to rock as his thrust were so hard, slamming in and out of me, and it feels like all of my nerve endings are being shocked by and electrical current started to build throughout my body. I looked at his face and he was looking back at me, his eyes is full of lust and desire as he continues to take me real fucking hard
"Rob.." I moaned looking at his eyes and then he smirked, he then leaned down towards me and our eyes met
"So you think I can't give you what you need" he growled as he continued to thrust in and out of me
"You...denied..me three times" I said in between my breath then he made a powerful thrust inside me
"Rob!" I cried as my back started to arched. I heard him chuckled once more.
"Then you wanted to touch yourself huh? Tell me are you touching yourself when I am not around?" He teased as he bit my nipples
"Ohhh Rob..." I whimpered closing my eyes. I squirmed to remove my hands from his grip so that I can grabbed something, the sheets or his back I don't care but he just gripped it tighter
"Open your eyes! Look at me when you answer me!" He demanded, I opened my eyes and I saw him looking at me, his look is dark and sexy and I love it

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