Thorin oakenshield x fem reader head cannons

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•he is gonna be distant at first kind of observing you at first seeing what type of person you are . But once he realises that you are kind and passionate about the things you do he is going to be more open to you .

•for instance he is gonna try and start courting you however he realises after balin reminds him a bit that you are human and that courting you will be much different then it is for dwarves.

•he is still going to court you the way dwarves do but with a twist of human courting.

•he is very observant of you and quickly picks up your likes and dislikes.

•if you are struggling to keep up with the company don't worry thorin has already realised and has set a slower pace which all the company is grateful for.

•however you are gonna notice that everyone in the company except thorin has distance them self from you . don't take it to heart it's just they would prefer to not face the anger of their king.

•he is possessive he hates when others go near you because he instantly can become jealous .

•thorin is more than happy to give you all the attention you need and if you are cold in the night don't be surprised if you wake up with thorins coat on you .

• he isn't big on pda but he will try for you even if it's just holding hands for a brief moment but he prefers for physical contact to be private.

• he will fight anyone though that touches you cause dwarves don't like anyone touching their one except for themselves.

• if he asks to braid your hair say YES dwarves braid their one's hair to prove to others you are theirs and it is also seen as a privilege to braid someone's hair who isn't family (but will be if in the future) .

•all in all he has a gentle side that only you and his family sees and he will love you forever.

• when he gets dragon sickness you are the only one he trusts. And he most likely keeps you close in fear that someone was going to steal you as well as the kings jewel.

• if he survives the battle of five armies he grovels to you telling you how sorry he is for getting so greedy . Anything you wish for is yours but you are still kept to his side so he can keep you safe .

• when his sister comes to erbor she sees how much he loves you she will definitely tell you about his embarrassing stories and how you too would make a perfect couple .

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now