Obsessed Dain ironfoot head canons

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•Dain ironfoot is one of the greatest warriors in middle-earth and cousin to thorin Oakenshield.

•when he first saw you it was probably on the battle field when you were both fighting the orcs. He definitely kept an eye on you and you impressed him surviving the battle.

•of course after the battle (let's just imagine that thorin , kili, fili survived.) he is happy your are alive in fact he has got it in his head that you are his one , his soulmate and his future.

•after saving the mountain from being taken again dain has thorin under his thumb. And he uses that to his advantage, anything and everything any of the company knows about you dain shall be told. Down to your eating habits to your past.

•once he has been told of these things he begins to set a plan. He has soldiers go undercover to spy on you and stalk you.

•he then will try to become your friend and shower you in gifts . He will do everything in his power to get YOU.

•any rivals are quickly removed from the picture by either dain threatening them or them being banished from the mountain.

•he will then make everybody avoid you till he is the only one you can talk to . And when you come to him crying your heart out not knowing what to do and him comforting you. He is thrilled.

•he will quickly force an engagement between the top of you saying it will strengthen the bond between dwarves and humans and to that you cannot refuse.

•your wedding will be HUGE and we are talking HUGE. Everyone will be happy for you both and congratulate you both. He will gift you many jewels and a piglet as a wedding gift (because he loves pigs!).

•he wants quite a few children so be prepared after all if anything should happen to fili,kili then it's him and his kids next in line.

•you will live a content life in the mountain with your husband however nobody really talks to you much . Since they are afraid of your husband anger . Don't worry though he never gets angry at you he is too delusional and blames it on everyone else.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now