Bilbo x reader head canons

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•he is going to like you because your different like him and you aren't a dwarf.

•will ask you so many questions and writes them down if he can.

•plays riddles with you if you will let him.

•he gifts you flowers to show his affection towards you.

•will ask the dwarfs for advice on how to court you.

•loves how polite you are it reminds him of back home.

•if you can cook he will be ecstatic because hobbits eat LOADS.

•will draw and write you random love letters.

•will shield you from fights even if he can't fight.

•will propose to you after the war but it will be so romantic as in a meadow full of flowers and butterflies everywhere.

•you shall get married in spring.

•and the wedding will be grand however it shall be small since bilbo will want to keep it only friends and family. No doubt that thorin has paid for it all.

•will take you back to the shire because it's so calm and peaceful.

•wouldn't mind having a child or two with you but won't be bothered if it's just you and him .

•lots of hobbit women are going to be jealous of you marrying bilbo.

•will plant your favourite flowers in his garden to show off how much he loves you. Since hobbits love gardening so much.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now