Thranduil x reader headcanons

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• he would be quite similar to Legolas in a way since he is intrigued by why you would go on a quest with dwarfs. After all he doesn't particularly like dwarfs.

•it would take a lot for him to learn to live again. Although his love for you is great it will never match his first love Legolas mother.

• your love would be very slow burn but in a good way.

•eventually trusts you as much as he trusts his son.

•will make you his queen after courting of course.

•expect him to shower you in gifts but only the finest since you deserve the best.

•anything you want you shall have.

•when you are married his whole kingdom is full of joy after all its been so long since the king has loved.

•gentle caresses .

•physical contact is his go to with you to express his love.

•has a phobia of you dying it haunts him daily .

•won't let anyone look down on you after all your his queen|king.

•if you were ever able to get pregnant he is overwhelmed with happiness and worry.

• he is happy to share something so extraordinary with you but worried that you will die or the baby would.

•safe to say once the baby is born he is relived and content . He has anything he could ever want or need now with you by his side.

•and he will cherish you forever.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now